1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR Magnet Status Satoshi Ozaki, Manager, SR Magnet Production 8 th ASAC meeting for NSLS-II Project May 10-11, 2011
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SR Magnets (Types and Numbers) Mgt TypeCodeDescriptionPart No.MakerQuantity QuadrupoleType ASingle-coil, Short & Wide9801BINP30 Type BSingle-coil, Short & Narrow9802BINP30 Type CDouble-coil, Long & Narrow9804BINP30 Type C'Same as above, with Cutout9807BINP30 Type DDouble-coil, Short & Narrow9809Tesla90 Type EDouble-coil, Short & Wide9812Tesla30 Type FLarge Aperture, Short & Narrow9815BLS60 Sub Total300 SextupoleType ASingle-coil, Short & NarrowS-9801Danfysik150 Type BSingle-coil, Short & wideS-9802IHEP60 Type CLarge Aperture, Short & Wide9816BSL30 Sub Total240 DipoleType ADipol-35 mm3500BSL54 Type BDipole 90 mm9000BSL6 Sub Total60 CorrectorType ACorr-100 mm1000Everson90 Type BCorr-100 mm with Skew Quard1001Everson30 Type CCorr-156 mm1560Everson60 Type FCorr-Fast2002/390 Sub Total270 Total16 Types916
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Typical Challenges in Magnet Production Tight field quality specs call for Careful design Tight specs on raw materials Specialized tooling & machining Tightly controlled manufacturing & assembly process High quality magnetic field measurement capability To be paid attention by vendor: purchasing right quality of steel & copper availability of qualified manpower adequacy of manufacturing process and tooling Challenges for Vendors: adequacy of field measurement capability reproducibility of field quality in each magnet production capacity and competition with other customers Have to meet field quality and reproducibility specification
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Variety Manufacturing Techniques Each vendor with unique expertise, tooling, and favorite manufacturing techniques. For example: Sextupoles (IHEP, Danfysik): Stamping Laminations, stacking yokes, EDM of poles on complete yokes Quadrupoles (TESLA): Stamping laminations, stacking yokes, machining half yokes Quadrupoles (Budker): Stamping, fine blanking laminations, stacking half yokes and shaping/reinforcing yokes with chromium-copper bars Large Aperture Quads and Sexts (Buckley): Laser cutting laminations, stacking yokes, EDM completed yoke Dipoles (Buckley): Laser cutting laminations, stacking machining Correctors (Everson): stamping, stacking TESLA: machining Buckley: EDM BINP: Fine planking
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES There are general recognitions that the production of these magnets have been significantly behind schedule Many contributing factors, some minor and some significant for this delay: Procurement Formulation of the procurement strategy Development of bid package Approval of the package Bid and proposal selection The First Article development Prohibition to favor the prototype producer Tightness of the initial field quality tolerance Requirement for the field quality reproducibility on reassembly of the magnet halves for the girder assembly with vacuum chamber Apparent shortage of experienced magnet design and production engineers at the contractor site Approval of series production (PRR authorization) SR Magnet Production Overview
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Other Schedule Mitigation Actions Satoshi Ozaki was appointed as the manager for magnet production to provide full-time, focused and dedicated management oversight. Enhanced vendor oversight: Assign dedicated engineers for each of 6 production sites 2 additional consulting contracts placed to provide technical and managerial oversight at Buckley and Budker Proactive technical guidance in spite of the fact that these are performance spec procurements Relaxation of field quality tolerances based on re-evaluation of the requirement: A major re-evaluation based on a reduction of momentum acceptance from 3.0% to 2.5% Established flexible schedule: Optimize sequencing of girder integration & installation according to magnet availability Added a new measurement stand Additional fixture and tooling designed, produced and tested Required staff has been augmented and trained High precision magnet alignment process formulated: Prepared to allow installation of single magnet with acceptable precision in the tunnel Prepared to install dipole magnets after multipole girders are installed Additional schedule mitigation Build additional environmental room Add shift(s) for magnet-girder integration and increase peak staffing Flexibility in PRR authorization, including a conditional approval
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Buckley Systems Ltd. (BSL) Frank DePaola BSL Large Aperture Quadrupole BSL Large Aperture Sextupole Large aperture multipoles : First Articles Q1, Q2 and S1 tested at BNL with promising results Quad production is now fully turned onto be turned on this week Sextupole hopefully in May, subject to receiving one more First Article unit
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Buckley Systems Ltd. (BSL) Frank DePaola 90 mm dipole: First Article that was air shipped (13,000 lb) and to be tested soon. Getting ready for PRR 35 mm dipole: Although the first of First Article was acceptable quality, the dipole No. 2, 3. and 4 developed cracks on the bonded core, which caused the core production to stop Making progress in understanding the cracks on yokes In parallel, manufacturing design of an enlarger, the dipole yoke as a back- up to mitigate this technical issue is in progress BSL is a major magnet builder in New Zealand, which built entire magnet for the Australian Light Source. A Large firm with 220 employees and annual business volume ~$100 M (90% in magnet business), At one point, after ALS work, the company lost quality manufacturing expertise due to economic downturn, but is recovering in recent months, Also expanding its capability with a lease of a large building across the street for manufacturing of lamination magnets 90 mm Dipole Magnet
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Tesla Quadrupoles Charles Spataro Since the awarding of the contract, dealing with them has been slow and un-satisfactory, April visit by Ferdinand, Charles, et al With this visit, Tesla must have realized the seriousness of our stance toward their tardiness, and began to show signs of improvement They finally admitted the machining error that caused 50 μm asymmetry Reversed their position for an improvement of their measuring stand that was recommended by BNL Agreed to expedite test yoke production on EDM prove out process Providing, for now, daily reports on the progress towards the May 20 PRR for full production For two of those magnets measured at BNL, their field quality is acceptable, and field reproducibility is good, in spite of the machined poles be not symmetric Tesla Quad Narrow Tesla Quad Wide 9812
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES BINP Quadrupoles Sushil Sharma BINP uses a Cu bar wedged between two poles upper and lower Short quadrupole has been in the production phase Long quad PRR was also approved for full production A request was made for their proposal to manufacture the type of quadrupoles that are being made by Tesla Short & Narrow Short & Wide Long & Narrow Long & Kinked They promised to deliver five magnets in the next two weeks A snag with the Russian export control issue Have already made many yoke and coils under their own risk
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES IHEP Beijing Sextupoles John Skaritka Reputable magnet producer that supplied equipment to many projects around the world They are in the production phase Sextupole #11 was measured at BNL and found to be in acceptable range Back-up source for the Large Aperture multipoles began with tooling design and lamination laser cutting Issues : Initially, we suffered from some cultural issues involving the manufacturing The magnet manufacturing without following a written procedure Poor communications between scientific/engineering and people at the work shop After many negotiations, the manufacturing procedures have been put in place gradually and now normal manufacturing procedures and traveler exist, and are being used on the shop floor in most cases Exception to this has bean for the yoke assembly, where a technician appeared to have assembled and tighten the bolts in his own way, making it difficult to achieve the reproducibility of the field
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES DANFYSIK Sextupoles Lewis Doom Danfysik was the first one to enter into the full production mode of operation A little over 25% of the magnets have been delivered to date with nominal delivery rate of ~14 per month Production, however, had been halted for about two months while tooling upgrades are in progress Should resume delivery in May ECR to remove C-shaped pole clamp
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Trends with Danfysik Sextupoles
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Everson Correctors George Rakowsky Everson continues to manufacture the corrector magnets at a satisfactory rate Everson has been notified about Hi-Pot failure between the coil leads and a corner of the corrector yoke Recommendation for the way to prevent such a break down was given to the company 100 mm Corrector 100 mm Corrector with Skew Quad 156 mm Corrector
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES The SR Magnet Production at a Glance 72 last month April 27, 2011
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Risks and Mitigation Possibility of an extensive delay in production More intense monitoring of the production process IHEP Back-up for large aperture multipoles from Buckley Plan B for TESLA to give directed change in yoke machining (outsourcing) Begin First Article process for TESLA quadrupoles at BINP Work more intensely with BSL and in-house assembly of dipoles with locally manufactured components ? Keep the possibility of DANFYSIK for TESLA/BINP back-up (high cost!) ? Single point of failure in production tools: Plant with a single Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) facility –Encourage to add another EDM machine Supplier with single or inefficient field measuring facility –Help supplier improve their measuring capability BINP setting up the 2 nd measuring stand Tesla responded to our recommendation –Prepare BNL to step in to perform the measurements
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Our supplier can build acceptable multipole magnets, and multipole magnet productions are either in progress or about to begin Although some of the manufactures, Danfysik, Everson, and possibly BINP are already in the routine production, a few more months of ramp- up time is anticipated for others to reach a routine production and delivery stage Next critical issue remains with 35 mm dipole production at Buckley Our receiving and in-house measurement has been overloaded with many special tests, but is poised to deal with the increased flow of magnets to come Manufacturing quality issues at some of the suppliers require continued surveillance Until the routine production is in place, very frequent visits by our staff, and/or consultants are essential