President Vice-President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Cataloger (Position eliminated) *Blue words denote Constitution/ Bylaw descriptions 2
Vision for growth Meetings – schedule and run Convention/Conference – attend and organize travel Inductions/Initiations – participate HQ – national contact Hold other officers accountable 3
Inductions/Initiations – send letters to inductees, participate in rituals Banquet – event planner Chair of Program Committee Advancement of technical and professional education of active members ◦ Enrichment events ◦ E-Week events ◦ STEM events 4
Keep roll and record books Keep minutes of meetings 5 Keep names/addresses updated Send in Reports ◦ Eligibility ◦ Election (ensure catalog cards are completed) ◦ Final Action Update Chapter Bylaws when amended Send in IRS 900 forms
Complete paperwork for bank accounts ◦ Transferring account to a different name upon officer election Collect fees and provide reimbursements Develop a budget ◦ Fundraising ideas Send initiation fees to HQ Bookkeeping – Keep TBP out of the red! 6
Convention Representative Initiation Chair Student Council Representative Webmaster Projects/Outreach/Community Service Chair 7
Vice President – Monte Carlo and Honors Banquet Treasurer – Fundraising Initiation Chairs – Liaisons between initiates and active members, fill out reports Convention Representative – Voting delegate Tutoring Czar – Organizes TBP tutoring ESC Representative – E-week events, inter-chapter events Alumni Relations Chair – Alumni events 8
President – helps VP with initiation, seeks corporate sponsorship VP – Initiation Service Chair – Report service hours to secretary Fundraising Chair – On campus events, corporate sponsorship, donations MindSET Chair – Plan and organize modules Meeting Coordinator – order food for meetings 9