Chair’s Report October 2014
The Board Chair: Eric Dorfman – Director Whanganui Regional Museum Deputy Chair: Michael Houlihan – Ministry of Culture and Heritage Secretary: Dilys Johns – Senior Research Fellow University of Auckland Treasurer/Membership Secretary: Wen Powles – International Strategy Advisor, Te Papa, replaced by Victoria Esson, Manager National Services Te Paerangi Member: Ian Griffin – Director Otago Museum Member: Courtney Johnston – Director Dowse Art Museum Member: Conal McCarthy – Programme Director, Victoria University of Wellington Member: Phillipa Tocker - Executive Director, Museums Aotearoa
Finance and Membership
Membership Comments from Stefanie Ward (Te Papa Finance Officer) Membership $ has increased by 65% in 2014 contributing to an increase in revenue. Membership volumes have increased by approx 50% of the 2013 level of 51. We moved from a category 2 (2013) to category 1 (2014) increasing the amounts paid to ICOM Timing of cash received from members and transferring funds to ICOM lead to timing differences to the operating surplus/deficit for the period. See membership analysis, income received over 3 years Conference made a small loss of $285 - details of 2014 conference is not yet available. ICOM NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL COMMITTEE Membership Analysis Total MembershipNZD $ , , , % growth rate in memberships. Funds received into bank:NZD $ Dec-12 5, Jan 13- Dec 13 17, Jan 14 -Aug 14 8, ,230.00
ICOM NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL COMMITTEE Statement of Financial Position As at Dec 2013 (Jan Dec 2013) Capital: This Year Prior Year Profit and Loss 19, , Plus Current Year Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 7, , TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS 27, , Represented By: This Year Prior Year CURRENT ASSETS Main bank Account27, , CURRENT LIABILITIES - - NET WORKING CAPITAL 27, , TERM ASSETS Term Deposit - 10, NET ASSETS 27, ,344.13
ICOM NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL COMMITTEE Statement of Comprehensive Income As at Dec 2013 (Jan Dec 2013) Income: Membership 17, Conference 1, Bank Interest TOTAL INCOME 18, Expenses: Membership to ICOM 9, Bank Fees Conference 1, Stamps TOTAL EXPENSES 11, Surplus/(Deficit) 7,698.55
Blue Shield
Toolkit for Disaster Preparedness Hanna Pennock and Eric Dorfman
DON’T PROCEED Y N GAP ANALYSIS DECSION TREE Does sufficient legislation already exist? Are there sufficient standard practices that make legislation unnecessary ? Y N PROCEED Can sufficient resourcing be found to service it? Y N Decisions and questions around: Mechanisms to facilitate institutional and professional body participation Coverage Insurance Outputs Ongoing financial support Stakeholders/governance group membership Review of other countries when setting up structure Gap analysis Write a letter to constituents explaining why Proceed? YN Draft a paper for dissemination to constituents, advising of intention to form Call a meeting of stakeholders Formal application to ICBS for national recognition Pillars follow their own internal processes Formal recognition Formal structure Strategic Plan Annual Business Plan
DON’T PROCEED Y N GAP ANALYSIS DECSION TREE Does sufficient legislation already exist? Are there sufficient standard practices that make legislation unnecessary ? Y N PROCEED Can sufficient resourcing be found to service it? Y N Decisions and questions around: Mechanisms to facilitate institutional and professional body participation Coverage Insurance Outputs Ongoing financial support Stakeholders/governance group membership Review of other countries when setting up structure Gap analysis Write a letter to constituents explaining why Proceed? YN Draft a paper for dissemination to constituents, advising of intention to form Call a meeting of stakeholders Formal application to ICBS for national recognition Pillars follow their own internal processes Formal recognition Formal structure Strategic Plan Annual Business Plan