“War” by Edwin Starr By: Krissy Reinhardt
Song name and musicians The song name is “War” Edwin Starr is the only one that sang it. XGt5amfhVBVNxKaReJ8STkLEI=&h=242&w=220&sz=12&hl=en&start=6&um=1&tbnid=P0IBkwp0rKaZAM:&tbnh=110&tbnw=100&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dedwin%2Bstarr%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive% 26sa%3DN
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“War” Lyrics “War” Lyrics War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Uh-huh War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again, y'all War, huh, good God What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me Ohhh, war, I despise Because it means destruction Of innocent lives War means tears To thousands of mothers eyes When their sons go to fight And lose their lives I said, war, huh Good God, y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War, whoa, Lord What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me War, it ain't nothing But a heartbreaker War, friend only to the undertaker Ooooh, war tml tml tml To get the rest of the lyrics ^^^ edwin-starr/war/lyrics.html edwin-starr/war/lyrics.html Listen to the song for free! ^^^
Lyrics Relevance The words of the song are convincing in it’s message because through the whole song it said “War huh, what is it good for absolutely nothing”. So it’s stating its message throughout the song.
Event, person, place and time Event: No events besides regular concerts. Person: by himself, but also sang it in a duet with Bruce Springsteen. Place: in a recording studio in Tennessee. Time: He released it in The first time he sang it was in the 70’s at a concert.
Approximate Date Edwin Starr’s “War” song made it’s debut on his album “War and Peace” during the summer of 1970.
Significance in History It got people really thinking about the war and if we should or shouldn’t be in it or how we get out of it. In the world today people ask the same questions about Iraq and Afghanistan.
Contemporary Connections During the Vietnam War, Edwin Starr released “War” an anti-Vietnam song. It really got people thinking about the war. Still today people are thinking about that song and relating it to the war we have going on today.
Trivia about “War” and Edwin Starr It’s an anti-Vietnam war song Starr won a Grammy with “war” for best R&B Male Vocal. Starr died of a heart-attack in He was 61.
Reasons I chose this song I chose this song because it really made a difference in the world. It made people look at the real reasons we were involved in the Vietnam War. Also it made people do something about the war.