Turning TypeOne to The Plan for a World without T1D
LESSUNTILNONE JDRF’s Vision for the Future
Delivery of Continuous Therapeutic Improvements Side-Effects Complications Patient Burden Glycemic Control Safety Normal Physiology Restored Easier, Safer, Less Worry, Better Life TherapiesCure
The Plan: Work the Pipeline
Artificial Pancreas A series of systems that will automate insulin dosing and additional hormone delivery
Artificial Pancreas Smart Insulin A series of systems that will automate insulin dosing and additional hormone delivery Single dose of insulin that delivers insulin only where and when needed
Artificial Pancreas Smart Insulin Single dose of insulin that delivers insulin only where and when needed Smart Insulin Encapsulation Implantable, beta cell replacement therapies restoring insulin independence without the need for intensive immune suppression
Artificial Pancreas Smart Insulin Encapsulation Encapsulation Implantable, beta cell replacement therapies restoring insulin independence without the need for intensive immune suppression Prevention Slow or stop the progression of T1D before insulin dependence and ultimately eliminate the possibility of ever developing T1D
Artificial Pancreas Smart Insulin Encapsulation Prevention Prevention Slow or stop the progression of T1D before insulin dependence and ultimately eliminate the possibility of ever developing T1D Restoration Beta cell growth protected from immune attack restoring insulin independence without immune suppression
Restoration Smart Insulin Encapsulation Prevention Artificial Pancreas Beta cell growth protected from immune attack restoring insulin independence without immune suppression Restoration
Continuous Therapeutic Improvements Near TermMid Term Long Term Complications Diabetic Eye Disease Predictive Diagnostics Artificial Pancreas Low Glucose Suspend Treat-to-Range Artificial Pancreas Treat-to-Target Multihormone Encapsulation Implantable Islets Smart Insulin Control Prevention Secondary Prevention Prevention Primary: Vaccine Complications Comprehensive Prevention Therapy Restoration New Beta Cell Growth Protected from Immune Attack
The Plan
Capabilities Across All Stages of the Pipeline $500 Million Research Portfolio Broad and Diverse Portfolio Research and Development ExpertiseVolunteer EngagementInternational ReachPartnerships
Your Support Capabilities Plan Vision