Prologue The first state to unconstitutionally criminalize abortion was Connecticut in The abortion-inducing medicine for women was banned, but for those who took it were not punished. During the early 1900s most states banned abortion and by 1965 all 50 states outlawed abortion, with some exceptions varying by state. One might ask, why didn’t any one fight the ban for abortion? It took a brave woman to do it and the outcome was successful yet some still feel bitter about it.
Roe fighting for women’s rights "[We] strongly and unequivocally support Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right”, stated the 2008 Democratic Party Platform. Roe v. Wade was a landmark Supreme Court case that declared most state anti- abortion laws unconstitutional. The high court’s 7-2 decision created rules based on a pregnancy trimester framework, banning legislative interference during the first week of pregnancy. The state then regulates abortion during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Soon afterwards pro-life proponents pushed for federal legislation. But what was their rationale?
Did you know? “The annual abortion rate has been declining since 1990, falling 9% between to 19.4 abortions for every 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44.” "Back-alley" abortions cause 68,000 maternal deaths each year in the 33 countries where abortion is not legal or available, according to the World Health Organization in Oct.2006.” “87% of U.S counties do not provide abortion services.” Although 13% of U.S counties do provide abortion services, the abortion rate is dropping. However, for the women who were not able to access a clinic for an abortion they die because the desperation leads to a “back-alley” abortion. Source: "Cartoon Plagiarism Case Offers a Metaphor for the Abortion Debate," Nov. 15, 2005
Fetus Baby A fetus does not have any limbs in the womb. A fetus is not a human being. “Abortion is terminating a pregnancy, not a baby. Personhood at conception is not a proven biological fact. Personhood begins at birth.” A fetus cannot tell you directly its thoughts nor feelings. It basically cannot show any mental or emotional aspects, only physical attributes. A baby has limbs once out of the womb. A baby is a human being. Therefore it is born with inalienable rights because our rights come when we are born. Born with Rights! When does life begin? Source: Clipart for Microsoft
The constitution’s involvement Pro-life activists may claim that abortion is murder, but so is the second amendment of the Bill of Rights which states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Citizens can go around carrying a firearm that can potentially end a life, but a woman cannot terminate a pregnancy without feeling guilty or having others being resentful towards said woman. Religious ideology shouldn’t influence a law banning abortion because it threatens the vital separation of church and state. In other words, anti-abortion laws are,therefore, unconstitutional.
Rationale for Abortion There are countless reasons why a woman chooses abortion. Many do not want to bring a life because it will be unwanted. Others simply are not ready to raise a child. President Barack Obama said in a Mar. 29, 2008 campaign speech in Johnston, Pennsylvania, "I have two daughters... I'm going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." Any reason for abortion is justified because not every woman is ready for a child and frankly, why would a woman want to make their unwanted child suffer?
Choosing adoption For the women who don’t want to have an abortion, they can choose giving up the precious baby for adoption! It is tragic, ah- but necessary! Adoption will put the child with a nice family and the child will know he/she is wanted.
Works Cited Rachel K. Jones, Mia R. S. Zolna, et al., "Abortion in the United States: Incidence and Access to Services, 2005," Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Mar. 4, David A Grimes, MD, et al., "Unsafe Abortion: The Preventable Pandemic," Lancet, Oct Physicians for Reproductive Choice and the Guttmacher Institute, "An Overview of Abortion in the United States," Jan, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.