Efficacy of A Mixed Methods Approach to Analyzing Educational Enrichment Activities: a mixed methods approach Merna VillarejoDeborah Kogan Amy BarlowBrian Veazey Melanie JonesLina Mendez-Benavidez Jennifer SweeneySarah Ovink School of Education University of California, Davis Funded by NIH NIGMS MORE program “Efficacy of Interventions”
Overall Research Question Does participation in undergraduate science enrichment activities encourage students to pursue biology-based professions and provide them with the tools to do so? Mixed Methods Approach Quantitative Study of College Achievement: [All UCD biology entrants , n=6,878] Statistical methods (multivariate logistic regression) to find factors that correlate with persistence and performance in biology. Qualitative Study of BUSP Alumni [Study pool = graduates from with GPA ≥ 2.7] –Surveys (n= 201) to define career path and factors important to career choices. –Interviews with subset of survey respondents (n=109) to discover motivation and influences on career choices.
Overall Research Question Does participation in undergraduate science enrichment activities prepare and encourage minority students to pursue biology-based professions? Study tools Statistical analysis of college achievement Alumni survey Alumni interviews
Biology Undergraduate Scholars Program (BUSP) at UCD, 1988-present Comprehensive –academic enrichment in chemistry, math & biology –advising –research experience Large scale –55-65 new freshmen each year Multi-year –Pre-freshman summer bridge through sophomore year Largely underrepresented minority students (URM)
Multivariate logistic regression shows that undergraduate research participation is associated with high graduation rates in biology majors and graduation with high grades in biology majors, for students of all races and ethnicities. Causality??????? UG research → Biology interest or Biology interest → UG research
BUSP Alumni Career Path Survey Track High Achieving BUSP Alumni Graduates from with GPA ≥ 2.7 (n = 322) Alumni Survey (respondents = 201) tells us: What components of BUSP were most helpful in achieving academic success. Alumni’s post-college career paths. Some important factors in making career choices.
Biomedical Careers in Research 19% of BUSP Alumni selected biomedical careers in research
Alumni credit supplemental instruction with helping them to excel academically.
MEDICAL DOCTORS (34 %) BIOMEDICAL PhDs (12 %) OTHER ALLIED HEALTH (10 %) ALLIED HEALTH DOCTORATE (7 %) BIOMEDICAL TECHNICIANS (7%) OTHER (21 %) OTHER PHD (5 %) UNDECIDED (4 %) 70 % of respondents selected biomedical careers
Reasons for not pursuing a PhD Medical Doctors Desire to directly serve the community, prestige of medicine Technicians College debt load Some lack academic qualifications Allied Health Doctorates Job security and availability Other careers better accommodate raising a family
Reasons For Pursuing a Biomed PhD PhDs –Have substantive interest in science –Expressed joy in doing research –Recognized practical problems but continued despite them
Out of 24 Biomedical When do Biomed PhDs : make their career choices? 5 research was main interest at college entry. 8 interested in research at college entry, but also considering other options. 11 pre-med, changed to PhD after undergraduate research experience.
Finding: At college entry, most BUSP participants are unfamiliar with the career options associated with the PhD. Many start out on the pre-med path and only discover their research interest during college, largely as the result of participation in undergraduate research. Policy implication : To encourage more minorities pursue careers undergraduate research opportunities should be expanded beyond those already seriously interested in research to include “pre-med” students.