3/20/2013 Threshold Voltage Distribution in MLC NAND Flash: Characterization, Analysis, and Modeling Yu Cai 1, Erich F. Haratsch 2, Onur Mutlu 1, and Ken Mai 1 1.DSSC, ECE Department, Carnegie Mellon University 2.LSI Corporation
2 Evolution of NAND Flash Memory E. Grochowski et al., “Future technology challenges for NAND flash and HDD products”, Flash Memory Summit 2012 Aggressive scaling MLC technology Increasing capacity Acceptable low cost High speed Low power consumption Compact physical size
3 Challenges: Reliability and Endurance E. Grochowski et al., “Future technology challenges for NAND flash and HDD products”, Flash Memory Summit 2012 P/E cycles (provided) P/E cycles (required) A few thousand Complete write of drive 10 times per day for 5 years (STEC) > 50k P/E cycles
4 Solutions: Future NAND Flash-based Storage Architecture Memory Signal Processing Error Correction Raw Bit Error Rate BCH codes Reed-Solomon codes LDPC codes Other Flash friendly codes BER < Need to understand NAND Flash Error Patterns/Channel Model Read voltage adjusting Data scrambler Data recovery Shadow program Noisy Need to design efficient DSP/ECC and smart error management
5 NAND Flash Channel Modeling Noisy NAND Write (Tx) Read (Rx) Simplified NAND Flash channel model based on dominant errors Erase operation Program page operation Neighbor page program Retention Cell-to-Cell Interference Time-variant Retention Additive White Gaussian Noise Write Read
6 Testing Platform Virtex-5 FPGA (NAND Controllers) HAPS-52 Motherboard USB Board PCI-e Board Flash BoardFlash Chip
7 Characterizing Cell Threshold w/ Read Retry Read-retry feature of new NAND flash Tune read reference voltage and check which V th region of cells Characterize the threshold voltage distribution of flash cells in programmed states through Monte-Carlo emulation V th 11 #cells REF1REF2REF3 0V Erased StateProgrammed States Read Retry P1P2P3 ii-1i+1i-2i+2 01 00
8 Programmed State Analysis P3 State P2 State P1 State
9 Parametric distribution Closed-form formula, only a few number of parameters to be stored Exponential distribution family Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to learn parameters Parametric Distribution Learning Distribution parameter vector Likelihood Function Observed testing data Goal of MLE: Find distribution parameters to maximize likelihood function
10 Selected Distributions
11 Distribution Exploration Distribution can be approx. modeled as Gaussian distribution BetaGammaGaussianLog-normalWeibull RMSE19.5%20.3%22.1%24.8%28.6% P1 StateP2 StateP3 State
12 Noise Analysis Signal and additive noise decoupling Power spectral density analysis of P/E noise Auto-correlation analysis of P/E noise Flat in frequency domain Spike at 0-lag point in time domain Approximately can be modeled as white noise
13 Independence Analysis over Space Correlations among cells in different locations are low (<5%) P/E operation can be modeled as memory-less channel Assuming ideal wear-leveling
14 Independence Analysis over P/E cycles High correlation btw threshold in same location under P/E cycles Programming to same location modeled as channel w/ memory
15 Cycling Noise Analysis As P/E cycles increase... Distribution shifts to the right Distribution becomes wider
16 Cycling Noise Modeling Mean value (µ) increases with P/E cycles Standard deviation value (σ) increases with P/E cycles Exponential model Linear model
17 SNR Analysis SNR decreases linearly with P/E cycles Degrades at ~ 0.13dB/1000 P/E cycles
18 Conclusion & Future Work P/E operations modeled as signal passing thru AWGN channel Approximately Gaussian with 22% distortion P/E noise is white noise P/E cycling noise affects threshold voltage distributions Distribution shifts to the right and widens around the mean value Statistics (mean/variance) can be modeled as exponential correlation with P/E cycles with 95% accuracy Future work Characterization and models for retention noise Characterization and models for program interference noise
19 Backup Slides
20 Hard Data Decoding Read reference voltage can affect the raw bit error rate There exists an optimal read reference voltage Optimal read reference voltage is predictable Distribution sufficient statistics are predictable (e.g. mean, variance) V th f(x) g(x) v0v0 v1v1 v ref V th f(x) g(x) v’ ref v0v0 v1v1
21 Soft Data Decoding Estimate soft information for soft decoding (e.g. LDPC codes) Closed-form soft information for AWGN channel Assume same variance to show a simple case V th f(x) g(x) v0v0 v1v1 v ref log likelihood ratio (LLR) Sensed threshold voltage range Low Confidence High Confidence High Confidence
22 Non-parametric distribution Histogram estimation Kernel density estimation Summary Pros: Accurate model with good predictive performance Cons: Too complex, too many parameters need to be stored Non-Parametric Distribution Learning Count the number of K of points falling within the h region Volume of a hypercube of side h in D dimensions Kernel Function Smooth Gaussian Kernel Function
23 Probability Density Function (PDF) Probability density function (PDF) of NAND flash memory estimation using non-parametric kernel density methodology P1 StateP2 StateP3 State