Certification and Professional Learning Rule Changes: Impact on Special Educators in Georgia Georgia Council for Administrators of Special Education Fall Conference, November 2014
Session Overview Demonstrate how the puzzle pieces of school improvement are being put together to improve teaching and learning in Georgia Identify resources available to help navigate complex changes in certification and professional learning.
Session Overview Provide an overview of the tiered certification system Review recommendations from the GaPSC Professional Learning Task Force regarding changes to professional learning and certificate renewal, and Discuss connections among various state reforms recently put in place Identify helpful resources
Tiered Certification Overview From a flat profession to a four-tier system for teacher certification
Does Tiered Certification Add Value? What is the value-added for teachers and for the profession? What is the value-added for students, parents, taxpayers? What in this new system increases rigor? During preparation & entry? During service? Does the system simplify certification? How might tiered certification interact with the salary structure?
Challenges Created by Tiered Certification Which educators are impacted by the system? Which are not? Are there any unforeseen challenges related to tiered certification? Example: As currently structured, only a teacher of record can attain advanced level certification (advanced professional or lead professional)
Why Tiered Certification? Focuses on performance rather than just hanging around Eliminates the “flat” profession by creating tiers & the chance for professional growth while remaining in the classroom Supports what research tells us about effective schools – learning communities support student achievement
Why Tiered Certification? Tiered certification is built around motivation theory Being given meaningful work Being recognized in a meaningful way Working in a collaborative environment
Four-Tier System Pre-Service level Induction level Professional level Advanced level includes Advanced Professional AND Lead Professional Four tiers w/ advanced tier having two pathways
Pre-Service Certificate Advantages Consistent method for criminal history checks Brings candidates under Code of Ethics Focuses attention on preparation of “learner ready” teachers See HO for more information
Induction Certification Advantages Recognizes novice teachers need to grow in a safe environment supported by teacher leaders, administrators, & others Creates a statewide system for quality induction Links to the teacher induction guidance document developed by a DOE/PSC – led task force. Induction programs have been piloted by RTTT districts See HO for more information
Professional Certificate Teachers demonstrate effectiveness to qualify for the professional certificate (formerly clear renewable) Two types – performance-based & standard Validity period for five years; only renewed if performance continues to meet or exceed performance standards
Professional Certificate Demonstrate performance (TKES) for performance-based; standard will be evaluated, but not under TKES Successful remediation if necessary Currently working to define “successful” Professional learning requirements must be met See HO for more information
Advanced/Lead Professional The fourth certification tier has two different pathways Each pathway has a very specific purpose, one to recognize outstanding performance, the other to identify teachers capable of leading improvement of teaching & learning
Advanced Professional Certificate An expert teacher who has demonstrated exemplary performance for a specified number of years during the five year validity period See HO for more information
Lead Professional Certificate An expert teacher who has demonstrated exemplary performance for a specified number of years during 5-yr validity period A teacher who desires to lead other professional in improving teaching and learning See HO for more information
Tiered Certification Phase-in Currently issued certificates: Induction and Standard Professional Certificates that will be issued beginning July 2015: Pre-Service and Lead Professional No implementation date yet for Advanced Professional Advisory panel appointed and active beginning January 2015
TKES/LKES Phase-in Teacher & Leader Evaluation One-year delay in full implementation – for certificate renewal purposes, this year only the observational data will be used; we will not use student performance data this year Next year? At this time we don’t know Remember educator evaluations determine whether or not the educator is eligible for certificate renewal
Tiered Certification Questions?
Professional Learning Changes Yea, but I loved collecting PLUs!
Changes in Professional Learning Background House Study Committee on Professional Learning – after moratorium on PLUs, what then? Task Force – 40 members responsible for developing a new system not dependent on PLUs Task Force recently completed its work New rules are being written now
PL Task Force Recommendation Link professional learning & certificate renewal & educator performance TKES/LKES data plus additional evidence to support PL that addresses areas where growth is needed Other measures for those not covered under the state evaluation system
PL Task Force Recommendation Stop using PLUs as evidence of professional learning PLUs are used to count seat time – professional learning research does not support a focus on seat time Rather than PLUs, shift the focus to professional judgments made by the educator, colleagues, and the supervisor
PL Task Force Recommendation Primary location of professional learning will move from workshops to job- embedded learning Job-embedded speaks to working on the work Professional learning communities become the vehicle for professional learning
PL Task Force/Staff Recommendations Learning goals for all educators Formal Professional Learning Plans (PLPs) for some educators All Induction level teachers Educators placed in position for which they are not fully certified at Professional level Absent from profession for 5 years & returns In a new position or from out of state Needs Development, Ineffective, Unsat rating
PL Task Force Recommendation Professional learning goals will be collaboratively developed PLP will be collaboratively developed Role of individual educator Role of colleagues Role of supervisor
PL Task Force Recommendation Principals & superintendents will attest that professional learning is a continuous improvement process for all educators in the building
PL Task Force Recommendation In addition to assurance through attestation Title IIA monitoring TKES/LKES evaluation system 50% of teacher evaluation based on student performance 70% of leader evaluation based on student performance Professional ethics suggests we should put the child first
PL Task Force Work Rule Development Adoption of professional learning standards Guidelines Development Development of Training Materials Change on this scale presents many challenges Issues of capacity Changing the school/district culture Developing adult learning skills Rule initiation by Commission, Jan. 2015
PL Changes Questions?
Connections Among Georgia Education Reforms Tiered certification, professional learning, state evaluation system, changes in educational leadership – all four of these changes interact and impact the others Tiered certification is the organizer; professional learning & evaluation determined renewal; & leadership determines if implementation is effective
Resources Available now GaPSC guidelines on tiered certification GaPSC guidelines on certificate upgrades GaDOE guidelines on Induction Available in the future GaPSC guidelines on professional learning GaPSC web resources on professional learning
Contact Information David M. Hill, Ph.D., Division Director, Educator Preparation & Certification