Name RMPS Mrs McGuinness Rm 135 Tue p2 3.8
Intro to Hinduism Aim: to introduce Hinduism as a religion. By the end of the period: I will be able to explain what the Hindu idea of God is and will be able to describe the Trimurti.
What is Hinduism? Hinduism is the oldest ‘living’ religion today. Some say as it originates as far back as 5000 years ago! It originated in the Indus Valley Civilisation in North West India. Today that region is known as Pakistan. The religious beliefs of the Indus mixed with later invaders to form an early form of Hinduism as it is practised today. This is a picture of Varanasi – Which is known as the ‘Eternal City’
A Map of Hindu India
Hindus believe... Hindus do not say that theirs is the only correct religion. All religions are a search for the truth.
What Hindus Believe Hindus believe in one God. - They believe God is everywhere and in everything. Hindus believe that He created the world and everything in it. The Supreme Soul is called Brahman. Hindus believe that Brahman has many forms. They believe that these forms represent the different aspects of Brahman’s power. These forms are the thousands of gods and goddesses of Hinduism.
The Hindu idea of God.
The Trimurti Creation, Preservation and Destruction.
Representations of the Supreme Being. Hindus believe that Brahman is invisible, everywhere and in everything. However through the various Avatars the personification of Brahman takes place.
Brahman Brahma (creator) Vishnu (preserver) Shiva (destroyer) Saraswati Lakshmi Parvati
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Although there is said to be over three hundred million Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism there are three which are key. They are known as the Trimurti.
CREATOR PRESERVERDESTROYER Copy the triangle into your books and label each corner.
YOUR TASK … The following slides will show pictures of people employed in different jobs. You must decide what the job is and decide which category it fits best… CREATOR PRESERVER DESTROYER Write the job name in the correct place in your triangle.
The Hindu Trimurti Trimurti means: ‘Three Gods’ The three main Hindu Gods are: Brahma Vishnu Shiva Brahma Vishnu Shiva
These three Gods are responsible for... THE CYCLE OF LIFE Brahma Creates (birth & rebirth) Vishnu Preserves (life) Shiva Destroys (death)
Brahma The first God in the Trimurti is Brahma. Brahma’s main job is CREATOR. Brahma is said to have created the universe
Brahma Brahmā has four heads, and four arms. With each head he continually reads out one of the four Vedas (Hindu holy books). He is often shown with a white beard to show he is the oldest being in the universe. In one hand he holds the holy Vedas. In another hand he holds rosary beads which he counts continually. This represents time.
Vishnu The second God in the Trimurti is Vishnu. Vishnu’s main job is SUSTAINER or PRESERVER Vishnu is said to protect the universe from harm.
Vishnu Vishnu is coloured blue like the sky and the sea (the colour blue symbolizes the infinite) and has four arms: He holds a conch shell for ‘creativity’ He holds a sharp-spinning discus-like weapon for ‘the mind’ He holds a mace for ‘existence’ He holds a lotus flower for ‘truth’.
Shiva The last God in the Trimurti is Shiva. Shiva’s main job is DESTROYER. Shiva is said to destroy evil and sins, and eventually the universe.
Shiva Shiva has three eyes. His middle eye sees the truth From his hair flows the Ganga, the holiest of all rivers in India. From his drum comes the sound ‘Aum’ – the note or vibration of the universe. His trident represents the Trimurti (Three Gods).
Why three Gods? Hindu’s have many hundreds of Gods all of whom represent different aspects of the ‘one God’. In the Trimurti, however, the three most important aspects of God are shown to help Hindu’s understand the true nature of God and the universe. The three aspects are CREATOR, SUSTAINER and DESTROYER. Everything in the universe is subject to these three forces. Brahma Vishnu Shiva
To Do: Task 1: Watch the video and answer questions 1-9 in your jotter Task 2: Answer the questions on the three worksheets/ Task 3: Create your own Hindu god/ goddess.