By: Niti Panchal. Energies of Krishna Krishna has unlimited energy He has 3 kinds of potencies – Spiritual Potency (He and is spiritual abhodes) – Material.


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Presentation transcript:

by: Niti Panchal

Energies of Krishna Krishna has unlimited energy He has 3 kinds of potencies – Spiritual Potency (He and is spiritual abhodes) – Material Potency (Material creation) – Marginal potency (Jiva souls)

Material Potency Krishna is the source of all creations Through Maha Vishnu, Krishna manifests innumerable universes To manage each universe, He appoints gods Each universe is managed by a trinity of gods

Cycle of Creation & Destruction Maha Vishnu breaths out innumerable universes Each universe lives thru their cycles managed by Trinity of Gods Then Maha Vishnu breaths them back

Trinity of Gods Creating things and letting jivas enter in the universe is done by the god: Lord Brahma Rapairing and maintaining the universe is done by the god: Lord Vishnu Destroying the universe is at the end of its cycle is done by the god: Lord Shiva All these three gods are called as ‘Trinity of Gods’ who manage material worlds

Lord Brahma Brahma is the secondary creator of the universe He makes the souls to enter into the worlds as different creatures So, he is called the lord and father of all the creatures His consort is Saraswati Devi (expansion of Divya Saraswati) who bestows material knowledge He lives for 100 years

Lord Vishnu Protector of Universe created by Maha Vishnu There is one Vishnu for every universe He repairs and maintains the order of the universe When demons do harmful acts, he comes as avatars to kill them He does this until Lord Shiva destroys at the end of its cycle His consort is Lakshmi Devi, expansion of Maha Lakshmi

Avatars of Lord Vishnu Lord Vishnu takesavatars coming down to protect His universe Once in a day of Lord Brahma (4.32 billion years), Lord Krishna Himself comes to every universe 10 main avatars of Vishnu for current cycle are: – Matsya – Kurma – Varaha – Narasimha – Vamana – Parshuram – Rama – Balarama – Buddha – Kalki

Lord Shiva There is a Lord Shiva for every universe Lord Shiva is an expansion from Sada Shiva (similar to Maha Vishnu). Sada Shiva is a direct expansion of Lord Krishna Our Lord Shiva has 11 Rudras who assist in dissolving the universe at its end of cycle His consort is Parvati Devi

Avatars of Lord Shiva Lord Shiva also has many avatars: – Hanuman Ji – Rudras (Bhairav, and so on) – Bhuvaneshwar – Mahakaal – and so on … 11 Rudras of Lord Shiva

Sloka Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwaraha Guru Saakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha “Guru is like Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.”.

Quiz Time! Who breathes our innumerable universes? Lord Vishnu is an expansion of whom? Lord Shiva is an expansion of whom? What is the duration of a day of Lord Brahma? How many rudras are there for Lord Shiva of our universe? How often Lord Krishna comes down to visit any universe?

Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Brahma Vishnu and Shiva THANK YOU!