Akira Sekikawa MD, PhD, PhD Assistant Professor of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh WHO Collaborating Center Epid-Internet-ology Supercourse
Akira Sekikawa MD, PhD, PhD Assistant Professor of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh WHO Collaborating Center Epid-Internet-ology Supercourse
Akira Sekikawa MD, PhD, PhD Assistant Professor of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh WHO Collaborating Center Epid-Internet-ology Supercourse
What is the Supercourse? The Supercourse is a library of powerpoint lectures on epidemiology, the Internet, and, Global Health, available on world wide web.
Unique Concepts Non-distance learning model Crossing the digital divide Open Source Model
Unique Concepts Non-distance learning model Crossing the digital divide Open Source Model
Distance Learning vs Supercourse Classroom in Montreal Teacher in Montreal Students in London Students in Pittsburgh Students in Sao Paulo
Distance Learning vs Supercourse Teacher in Montreal Teacher in Sao Paulo Teacher in Beijing Teacher in Pittsburgh Teacher in Cairo Teacher in London
Classroom in Montreal Distance Learning vs Supercourse
Unique Concepts Non-distance learning model Crossing the digital divide Open Source Model
Unique Concepts Non-distance learning model Crossing the digital divide Open Source Model
Crossing the Digital Divide Readable with lower versions of web browsers Small size : kb per lecture Mirroring CD-ROM
Growth of the Supercourse lecture from Sep 1997 to Aug 2002 Lectures from developing and developed countries
Akira Sekikawa MD, PhD, PhD Assistant Professor of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh WHO Collaborating Center Epid-Internet-ology Supercourse
Lecture format Review TitleObjectives Lecture part Author
Less developed countries
Akira Sekikawa MD, PhD, PhD Assistant Professor of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh WHO Collaborating Center Epid-Internet-ology Supercourse
Contribution I 1. Faculty member
Contribution II 1. Faculty member 2. Author Lecture objectives Lecture notes Relevant web sites
Contribution III 1. Faculty member 2. Author 3. Teacher
Akira Sekikawa MD, PhD, PhD Assistant Professor of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh WHO Collaborating Center Epid-Internet-ology Supercourse