Wageningen University ‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’
The Wageningen UR domain: healthy food and living environment health, lifestyle and livelihood Behaviour and perception Food security Institutions Consumer Citizen Sustainable agriculture Nutrition and health Sustainable fishery Biomass Chains Wageningen UR's domain of activity is "healthy food and living environment." Within this domain, we can identify three sub-domains: Food and food production, living environment, and health, lifestyle and livelihood. Much of our research takes place at the interface of two or three of these sub-domains. This research brings together academics from a number of different disciplines. This is the Wageningen approach. Marine resource management Landscape and land use Nature & Biodiversity Water management Competing claims food and food production living environment
Why Wageningen University? Voted #1 University in the Netherlands 70th position on the Times Higher Education World University Rankings Largest education & research institute in the Netherlands University with an international community [>100 nat.] Multidisciplinary between science groups Practically oriented and personal contact
Wageningen University Netherlands largest research and education institute Over 7000 staff 8.000 Students [25% international] Student – Teacher ratio: 1/7 Budget: €0.8 billion Scientific and professional education
Wageningen University Education system 1900 PhD 60% International 3713 MSc 45% International 3813 BSc Wageningen University Bachelor programmes (BSc) No international students Master programmes (MSc) 50% international students PHD program 60% international students Yearly entrance of 700 international MSc students
Master programmes (MSc) Animal Sciences Applied Communication Science Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management Bioinformatics Biology Biosystems Engineering Biotechnology Climate Studies Development and Rural Innovation Earth and Environment Environmental Science Food Quality Management Food Safety Food Technology Forest and Nature Conservation Geographical Information Management and Applications Geo-information Science International Development Studies International Land and Water Management Landscape Architecture and Planning Leisure, Tourism and Environment Management, Economics and Consumer Studies Molecular Life Sciences Nutrition and Health Organic Agriculture Plant Biotechnology Plant Sciences Urban Environmental Management Health and Society (specialisation) Sensory Science (specialisation) Water Technology (specialisation) MSc programmes have a duration of 2 years. The 28 MSc programmes can be divided in six themes: Food Earth & Environment Technology Health Economics and social sciences Nature and Agriculture
Academic Year
Admission and application Requirements Relevant Bachelor degree GPA of 70% Good working knowledge of mathematics and statistics Fluently in English, both written and spoken
Wageningen Campus In recent years, we have been building a modern, new campus where the bulk of Wageningen's research and education activities are now established. Our goal was to create facilities in which educational and research locations could be combined. This creates interesting interactions between students and staff. Increasingly, this type of interaction is also occurring with external parties, now that industrial parties such as the research arm of Friesland Campina have chosen to establish themselves within sight of Wageningen Campus.
Wageningen Campus Library of Wageningen UR Open 14 hours per day Extensive sports facilities Research facilities Language courses in different languages by Language Services
Student Life Housing There are 4500 student rooms in Wageningen Idealis Kamernet WSO
Student Life Sport facilities Large sport centre “De Bongerd” 60 different sports € 70 per year
Important information www.wageningenuniversity.eu/master facebook.com/wageningenuniversity twitter.com/uniwageningen youtube.com/wageningenuniversity Pinterest.com/wageningenuni Thank you for your attention