Kees Romijn: Dutch Farmers Association Henk Flipsen: Dutch Feed Industry Association Onno van Eijk: Dutch foundation for Nature & Environment Ottawa, 16th october 2013
“Work together to achieve an in all aspects sustainable livestock sector in A profitable and competing livestock sector that produces with respect for people, animals, environment and the social system, including the effects of Dutch livestock production abroad.” Shared ambition
Context Start 2008/2009 Growing public concern about animal welfare and environment Growing Government awareness of ineffective functioning of legislation and control to accelerate the process Example of succesfull multi-stakeholders approach (castration in pig production) Declaration: Sustainable production is shared responsibility partners in production chain, ngo’s and governement Join forces to accellerate sustainable production
Multi-stakeholder approach Branche organisations Farmers LTO Slaughterhouses COV Feed NEVEDI Dairy producers NZO ………………………………… Bank Rabobank ………………………………… NGO’s Animal Welfare (Dierenbescherming) Environment (Natuur en milieu) Government National level (ministry) Local level (IPO) ……………………………… Knowledge institutes Education (Groene kennis cooperatie Wageningen University and Research
What UDV does Stimulates Critical examination Makes open to discussion Bring stakeholders together Communicate successes
Creating action empowers the proces in the right direction
Lessons learned common vision and full committment Mutual respect Grant everyone their position and succes Stimulate existing initiatives of stakeholders Find white spots and create initiatives Government is facilitating Consumermarket is the key to change Build trust by doing
Thank you