Number Line Addition and Subtraction 2.2 and 5.1 Remember to silence your cell phone and put it in your bag.
Whole Number Addition a + b = ? Start at 0, facing the positive direction. Move forward a. Move forward b.
Whole Number Subtraction a – b = ? Start at 0, facing the positive direction. Move forward a. Turn around. Move forward b.
Integer Addition a + b = ? Start at 0, facing the positive direction. If a>0, move forward a. If a<0, move backward |a|. If b>0, move forward b. If b<0, move backward |b|.
Integer Subtraction a – b = ? Start at 0, facing the positive direction. If a>0, move forward a. If a<0, move backward |a|. Turn around. If b>0, move forward b. If b<0, move backward |b|.
Modeling Integer Operations I do not have to model integer operations the same way Dr. Simons does, BUT I must get my model approved prior to Test 1.