Learning Objectives Define diversity Describe the different kinds of diversity seen in the workplace State the challenges of diversity in the workplace and how to manage it Prevent discrimination law suits
Diversity Defined Diversity: The condition of having or being composed of different elements The inclusion of different types of people in a group or organization people of different races or cultures All of the ways in which people are different (Bucher, 2000)
Diversity Diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more. Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves but how they perceive others. Diversity will continue to increase in the coming years, so organizations recognize the need for immediate action and are ready and willing to spend resources on managing diversity in the workplace now ure=related ure=related
Elements of Diversity -Cultural-LGBT -Religious -Mental Disability -Gender-Physical Disability -Age
Cultural Diversity Immigration Melting Pot Cultural beliefs Life style
Cultural Diversity Clothing Food
Religious Diversity The First Amendment’s guarantee everybody to “free exercise” of religion. The workplace is obviously a site that is impacted by religious diversity To decrease workplace harassment or discharge due to religion Example Jewish people only eat Kosher meals Muslims Fast during the month of Ramadan, and pray five times a day.
Most Hindu people are vegetarians and consider the cow a holy creature. After the terrorist attacks of 2001, Sikhs were the victims of hate.
Gender Diversity Being discriminated against based on your sex Males tend to be favored over women in the workplace Employers hire men over women, fire women to replace with men, and verbally harass women solely because of their gender
H&E Equipment Services Inc. failed to promote Kathleen Wooten to rental manager because she was female Branch manager instead offered this position to a newly hired male subordinate Kathleen complained, was fired for doing so, and was replaced by a male Gender Diversity
Gender Diversity Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sex discrimination Today’s workforce has the highest levels of employment participation ever by women Number of dual income families and single working mothers has increased
LGBT Diversity Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people should be treated as equal but they are not. LGBT community is visible and active participants in all aspects of family, social, political, cultural, and economic life in the United States.
LGBT Diversity When meeting someone who is married don’t just assume that the individual is married to the opposite sex. Provide a safe environment for all the employees Don’t use terms that are offensive to people
Age Diversity Treating someone less favorably because of age Younger people are more favored due to knowledge of technology Age discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) only protects people 40 or older
Physical Disability Diversity When a person is harassed or treated unfavorably because they have a disability Law that requires an employer to provide reasonable accommodation to the employee or applicant with disability Employer does not have to provide accommodation if it will cause “undue hardship” to them or the company
Physical Disability Diversity Reasonable accommodations include: Any change in work environment to make it easy for person with disability to perform duties and enjoy benefits of employment (i.e. making company wheelchair friendly) Illegal to discriminate against an employee because their spouse has a disability
Mental Disability Diversity The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in Requesting an Accommodation
Mental Healthy Diversity Signs of Positive Growth & progress Increase number of youth with mental health disabilities finding work Decreased number of youth with disabilities losing jobs and ending up on the streets Increased number of youth getting help for mental health Increased awareness of mental health at workplace
Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace There are many challenges to managing a diverse work population. Managing diversity is more than simply acknowledging differences in people. Recognize the value of differences, combating discrimination, and promoting inclusiveness. Negative attitudes and behaviors can be barriers to organizational diversity. Include prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination, which should never be used by management for hiring, retention, and termination practices.
Managers must understand discrimination and its consequences Managers must recognize their own cultural biases and prejudices There is no single recipe for success, it mainly depends on the manager’s ability to understand what is best for the organization. How to Manage Diversity
Creating a successful diverse workforce, an effective manager should focus on personal awareness Both managers and associates need to be aware of their personal biases. Organizations need to develop, implement and maintain ongoing training because a one-day session of training will not change people behaviors.
Everybody wins with Diversity Managing diversity is about more than equal opportunity and affirmative action. Vital requirement when dealing with diversity is promoting a “safe” place. Every member must listen and have the chance to speak. Provide necessary constructive, critical feedback for learning about mistakes and successes.
Diversity Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity Diversity management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where has access to opportunities and challenges. Management tools in a diverse workforce should be used to educate everyone about diversity and its issues, including laws and regulations.
References tm tm rights-act/ rights-act/