Archiving Unit 13 – Use of s
archiving archiving is a process for downloading, keeping and protecting all inbound and outbound messages (including attachments) so they can be accessed at a later date should the need arise. Archiving removes messages from your inbox, but keeps them in your account so that you can always find them later. Archiving is like moving messages into a filing cabinet for safekeeping, rather than putting them in the trash can. A museum has an archive of old exhibits. You can archive your old s that you either don’t think you’ll need, or are too big to keep storing online.
Benefits cleans up your inbox the recovery of lost or accidentally deleted s, accelerated audit response, preservation of the intellectual property contained in business and its attachments "eDiscovery" in the case of litigation or internal investigations (what happened when, who said what).
Archiving When you have too many s, or simply want to create a backup of your s, you send them to an archive. This takes the s “off-line”, and puts them into a safe location (like a hard-drive or backup tape) Many IT Departments will carry out archiving for you, so that you don’t have to, and so that a structured, official approach to s is in place.
File Sizes If you have an that is too big to send, there are a couple of things that you could try: Copy & paste the text into the instead of attaching it as a separate file Compress the file, using a piece of software like WinZip Send files as PDF files instead of word documents.