HTML Notes Chapters 1--6 Codes used in creating HTML documents are called tags. Tags are always enclosed in left ( ) angle brackets. Tags can be upper or lowercase
Container and Empty Tags Container tags need to be turned off and on—they are closed using forward slash (/) Tags used by themselves are called empty tags—they do not need to be turned off NO extra spaces within a tag
HTML documents consist of three sections: Header (title) Body (main text) Footer (author and date revised)
Structural tags appear in every HTML document and --entire HTML doc between these tags and -defines document header (title, comments, date) and --identifies HTML document and --all document info must be between these tags
Sample HTML Document Type your title here. The document information goes here.
Troubleshooting Save document with correct extension _______.html Resave after making changes Refresh browser to see changes
Heading Tags Come in six sizes Use them in order Browser decides how the text is displayed Heading tags include a line break tag (same as pressing enter)
Style tags change the way your text looks Boldface, Italic, Emphasis, Blink (does not work in IE), Big, Small, Address
Changing the Font Size With the tag, the size of the text is either increased or decreased using the numbers 1 through 7. Number 3 represents the size of normal text. Number 1 is the smallest, and number 7 is the largest.
Font Size You can use different font sizes in the same sentence. Font size does not include line or paragraph breaks.
Reminder: The easiest way to start a new Web page is to open an existing document and delete the information between the body tags.
Using the Paragraph Tag The tag is equal to pressing the Enter key once, while the paragraph tag is equal to pressing the Enter key twice (DS).
Using the Horizontal Rule Tag The horizontal rule tag is similar to the and tags. The difference is that instead of creating a space between the lines, this tag draws a line between them.
Using the Indent Tag The indent tag is used to move the first line of a paragraph over to the right— similar to using the tab key.
Using the Blockquote Tag The blockquote tag is a container tag that is used to indent all lines from both sides. Since the blockquote is a container tag, you need to use an ending tag
Creating Ordered Lists Ordered lists are also called numbered lists. Each line in the list is numbered automatically when viewed in the browser. (Step-by-step instructions, outlines.)
Tags for Ordered Lists and tags define where the list should start and end. They also add blank lines before and after the list. tag is used at the beginning of each line to automatically number each item in the list. The tag is used in both ordered and unordered lists.
Creating Unordered Lists Unordered lists or bulleted lists are used when items do not need to be listed in any certain order. (shopping list) and tags define where the list should start and end. They also add blank lines before and after the list tag is used at the beginning of each line in a list. In an unordered list, the tag produces a bullet.
About Bullets You cannot specify the size and. shape of the bullet used in an unordered list. The size and shape of the bullet is determined by your browser
Creating Definition Lists Definition lists or glossary lists are used to define words or terminology. Items in a definition list usually include two parts. Name or title is displayed on a line by itself The definition begins on a new line
Tags for Definition Lists and tags define where the definition list should start and end. is used before each definition term is used before each definition description
About Blank Lines Adding blank lines in your text editor may make the list easier to read. However, they will not appear on your Web page.
Internet Basics ARPANET was the predecessor of the Internet—Department of Defense World Wide Web is a huge collection of text, image, audio, and video data that is scattered across computers and networks around the world
Internet Basics Search Engines—Yahoo, Google, Ask URL—indicates the file name and location of your home page (Uniform Resource Locator) Use Internet Explorer to view your web pages in class
The End!!