The Urinary system contains the Kidney, bladder, Ureters, and the urethra. This is what cleans your blood and gets rid of waste in the human body. Overview
Urinary-Excretory System Urinary Bladder Elastic organ that functions as the body’s urine storage tank Delaying and controlling urination so that the average person only has to urinate several times each day instead of constantly leaking small amounts of urine. Urethra tube that conveys urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body Ureter Carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder Kidney System Are a pair of organs that constantly clean the blood General Physician
One issue that occurs in the Urinary system are kidney stones or Renal Calculi. These little painful kidney stones were found on mummies. These kidney stones can cause Infections or can just be painful. These kidney stones can be found in multiple locations including the kidney, the bladder, the urethra, and the ureters. These stones are very unlikely to kill you but if you get an infection from them and is not treated it can be fatal. Most of the time they are not fatal they have a rare chance to kill someone. There is a cure for kidney stones, just get them removed it is not to hard of a procedure. They were discovered by E. Smith in 1901 Another problem that occurs is an infection is called a Urinary tract infection. The name of this disease varies on were the disease is located. If you have an infection the symptoms will be a sensation to urinate but only a little bit will come out. It also might be a weird color or smell, it can also burn when you urinate. It can be found in the kidneys but the most common spot is the bladder and the urethra. Like the kidney stones can be fatal if you don’t cure it. It can be cured. Epidemiologist
SURGEON Some procedures that you get if you have kidney problems are; a Kidney Biopsy, a Kidney Transplant Procedure, a Lithotripsy, and a Renal Angiogram. The kidney biopsy was first preformed by Abu al-Qasim, but it is unknown when it was first preformed. The first time a kidney transplant procedure was preformed was in 1990 by Dr. Joseph E. Murray. Florida Hospital’s kidney stone center was the first to preform a lithotripsy, but it is unknown when the first one was.
Surgeon The first Renal Angiogram was preformed in 1927 by Reynaldo Cid dos Santos. Kidney Biopsy- They need to be preformed to determine the reason for poor kidney function, determine if a tumor is cancerous, and to evaluate how well a transplanted kidney is working. Kidney transplants need to be preformed if there is a kidney failure or the kidney is infected. Lithotripsy is preformed when kidney stones become to large to pass. Renal Angiograms need to be preformed if you have aneurysms, spasms of the blood vessels, and blockage of blood vessels.
Surgeon The kidney biopsy is the only procedure out of the four that is not the result of a disease/illness. The Kidney transplant is the result of a diseased kidney, the Lithotripsy is the result of a kidney stone, and a Renal Angiogram is the result of aneurysms and stenosis. If a Kidney Biopsy is not preformed, then you could be at risk of kidney cancer and not knowing if your kidney is functioning properly. If a Renal Angiogram is not preformed, then you would have abnormal blood vessels in you kidney.
Internist Food The stomach mixes food with acid and enzymes that break down nutrients. The mixture is called chime. The breaking and mashing of food is called mechanical digestion. Chemical digestion is the process that breaks large food molecules into simpler molecules Three doctors that deal with the urinary system are the urologists, pediatric urologists, and the Nephrologists. Urologists specializes in any problem in that system. Pediatric urologists deal with urologic disorders in children. Nephrologist specialize in kidney care and treating diseases of the kidneys. They all make up one another. They must help each other in order to survive. The kidneys clean the blood and separate it from the urine and then it travels through the ureter to the bladder. It required three body parts to make urine go from one place to another.