Native American Grass Dance!
What does the Grass Dance Represent? In the early days when the best American Indian warriors would return home from the hunt they would tell of their feats of bravery by acting them out. Since those days of long ago, dancing has played a significant role in storytelling among the Native Americans of this country. Most of the dances performed by American Indians illustrate a story. Some dances also tell of an accomplishment. Dances such as "The Grass Dance" tell a story of the connection between Native Americans and the earth.
Information on The Grass Dance The grass dance is one of the oldest and most widely used dances in American Indian culture. Depending on the variation of the dance and tradition of the nation it can be done by either men or women. Although traditionally a men's dance, more women are beginning to enjoy the dance and what it represents. The dance itself represents a connection with earth, nature and God. All Native Americans gain spiritual strength from their mother earth. The grass dance is an expression of harmony with the universe and mother earth. The regalia worn by dancers is unique because each strand of yarn or fringe attached to the arms and back of the costume represents the grass. These strands must move in time with the dancer and replicate the movement of grass blowing in the breezes.
The grass dance is graceful and the dancer must be highly skilled to perform this dance. Each participant must dance in perfect time in order to keep with the theme. As the movement starts it resembles the motion of the grass blowing gently in the breezes over the prairie. In older and more seasoned dancers you will notice that the fringes actually look as though they vibrate as they move While watching the grass dance you do feel as if the dancer is actually lighter than air and that he or she is blowing in the wind. It is as if they become blade of grass. The key is for the dancer to respond like a blade of grass would in the wind. The focus and concentration of the dancer allows he dancer to actually become the blade of grass in his or her mind.
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By Jada&Jennifer!