Where do the 10 Commandments come from?
The 10 Commandments To know the 10 Commandments To be able to apply the 10 Commandments to Christian living To evaluate the importance of the 10 Commandments A young man asked Jesus “Teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?” Jesus answered “If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments”. Mt 19: Who were the 10 commandments revealed to and where? 2.Write out the passage above. 3.What are 2 ways that you could understand Jesus’ reply: “if you wish to enter into life”? **How could you interpret a Commandment that would be “life-giving”? Give an example
1.Do the card sort: find the ways that each commandment can be KEPT or BROKEN 2.Write them out on your table **What do you think is the importance of the Commandments? Are they mainly just rules to keep the world a safe place to live, or are they more than that? 1 D v) 2 B vii) 3 A viii) 4 H ix) 5 E i) 6 C x) 7 G ii) 8 F ii) 9 J iv) 10 K vi)
Are the commandments still relevant to today’s society? Give reasons for both points of view, then explain your own point of view. 2 reasons FOR 2 reasons AGAINST Conclusion, with extra point in discussion (remember to discuss examples of specific commandments in your answer)
Listen to the song. 1.Write in the 3 rd column of your table another “wider” interpretation for that commandment. 2.How is this “wider” interpretation less of a “rule” and more life-giving? Explain with an example. 1 st I must honour God 2 nd honour His name 3 rd honour His da-a-y, only this will be my aim 4 th I must be obedient 5 th be kind and true, 6 th be pure in all I say and see & hear & do 7 th I must be honest 8 th be truthful in all things I say 9 th be pure in mind and heart in all I think and desire each day 10 th I must be satisfied not be jealous come what may These are God’s 10 Commandments These I must obey.
Command ment KeepingBreaking 1. Worship only one God 2. Dot not use God’s name in vain 3. Keep the Lord’s day holy Command ment KeepingBreaking 1. Worship only one God Worship only God. With statues, don’t pray to the statue or to the person – but onl honour the person they represent and ask their prayers Do not commit yourself to following false gods like money, popularity, sex – they don’t lead to ultimate satisfaction. Do not worship images or statues 2. Do not take God’s name in vain Respect God’s name and person. Bless & praise God’s name. Do not swear, or curse by God’s name. Do not blaspheme or insult God. Keep promises made before God. 3. Keep the Lord’s day holy Remember God specially on Sunday. Worship Him – go to Mass. Make it a day of rest and relaxation, in honour of Him. Make time for family. & caring for people. Do not be busy doing non essential work that deprive you or your family from rest. Do not neglect God on this day. Using p.14-15, fill in examples of keeping and breaking these 3 C’s about loving God. **Which of these commandments if kept, would make the biggest different to your own life? Why?