Welcome to the SRCC! Monday, January 17th, 2011
President – Rino Sato SRCC Overview (The actual campaign for target already ended, but this is a cute, short video that goes over all of the different things the American Red Cross does) The purpose of the Penn State Student Red Cross Club is to coordinate student activities relating to these programs fostered by the American Red Cross. These activities include: blood services, disaster services, health and safety, youth services and other projects agreed upon by the membership Volunteer and participate in club activities however much YOU want. 15 hrs = “Active Member” [Receive: certificate, discounts on our benefit/formal tickets, Kaplan/CPR courses, ability to run and/or vote in elections.] Our club website is and you will find links to volunteer or donate blood, as well as all of our meeting and event dates. Our club office is located in 221C HUB (right by the two elevators), and our office hours are located on our club website under the "Officers" tab.
President – Rino Sato Last Semester Overview Blood Drive Campaigns: 1st Annual Philadelphia versus Pittsburgh Blood Donor Challenge - During September we had a friendly competition between Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Other to see which group could collect the most blood. Philadelphia beat Pittsburgh and Other! 17th Annual PSU MSU Blood Donor Challenge - During November we had a competition against Penn State and Michigan State to see who could collect the most blood. We won for the fourth year in a row the closest race ever! PSU 2019 to MSU Participated in Homecoming (we had a real-life camel walk with us!), THON events, and had crazy but fun fundraisers like our 46-hour bake sale, car wash, and pancake dinner.
President – Rino Sato This Semester Preview THON! Currently we are in the midst of our THON blood drive campaign. Julie your Vice President will talk about this more. Paint the Town Red Benefit Dinner - This is our end-of- the-year formal! There will be great food, dancing, silent auction items, and raffles! Relay for Life - 24-hour fundraising event benefiting the American Cancer Society. Elections - Officer and chair elections will be held around March. More information at the next meeting, but if you are interested in a particular position don't hesitate to talk to the current officer!
VP – Julie Agee THON Blood Drives Join the Red Cross and THON at our THON Blood drives which run from December 2nd though THON Weekend. For every presenting donor, $4 will be donated to THON and credited to the organization of your choice. Come out and donate FTK! To date, we have raised $908 for THON. Relay for Life The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives everyone in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. If you are interested in participating in Relay for Life with the Student Red Cross Club please contact Julie Agee at
VP – Julie Agee Social – Julia Orlidge February Socials: - Sunday 2/6 - Superbowl Social! At Matt Avery's apartment meet an hour before the game at Osmond Parking lot and bring food/drinks! More info to come soon. Future Socials: - Springtime in the Park at Hershey - trip with our THON families? Cost around $25 - Bounce Funplex - before PTTR Weekend? - Broomball, Hike Mt. Nittany, Penn's Cave - Any suggestions welcome!
VP – Julie Agee OSC – Georgia Perry OSC stands for On-Site-Coordinator and is a great leadership opportunity and a great way to get more involved in the club! The position includes delegating jobs to the volunteers and helping to ensure the drive is meeting its goal. A great way to prepare for OSC training is to volunteer at blood drives and familiarize yourself with every position. OSC trainings January 31st (after the second meeting) and Februrary 1st Sign up online at the volunteer site Do you have at least 7 volunteer hours at blood drives? If you answered yes, you should sign up on our volunteer website to become an on-site coordinator! The training sessions will be on 1/31 after the club meeting and 2/1. OSC trainer checklist Jordan compiled a new easy to follow OSC training overview worksheet to help insure that there is uniformity between the different trainers. gpa1UAZA/edit?hl=en&pli=1#
VP – Julie Agee OSC – Georgia Perry Change to training: first hour as OSC there will be another OSC shadowing you. In order to help new OSCs, we would like to make an amendment to the training process. After the OSC trainie has completed all of their shadowing hours and have taken the OSC quiz, they will have a shadow their first hour. The idea would be that the new OSC would be the lead OSC and delegate as if they were the only OSC at the drive but there would be another OSC there to observe. They would step in if the new OSC were to do something wrong. They would also just give them pointers or be there to answer any questions the new OSC has or just to quell nerves. Availability schedule 2/3s of you haven't ed to Georgia your availability yet for this semester. her ASAP! There are drives this week and if she doesn't know when you are available, she will just ask you about all open times.
VP – Julie Agee DR – Emily Dong Publicity If anyone has ideas for spreading the word about the DR programs, Emily! Donor Retention Blog View the blog at forlife.blogspot.com/ or send your own post to om to have it published on the blog.
Treasurer – Andrew Chen Protege Search! Looking for someone cool enough to fill this kid's shoes:
Secretary – Kari Haffelfinger Ways to earn hours: -Volunteering at blood drives -Donating blood [2hrs for 2xDR!] -Classroom announcements -Chalkboarding -Sign-up tables -CPR Classes -Donating items to disaster kits -Canning BUT NOT FOR: -Socials -Visiting THON families There could very well be more that aren't listed, but either way, those listed above are a GREAT place to start getting those 15 hours!
Education – Naila Rahman Classroom Announcements Naila has a list of classes where the professors have allowed us to come in and make a short 2 minute announcement about our THON blood drive campaign. The list includes the times and places for each classroom announcement on that particular day. She is looking for volunteers to attend these classes and make the announcement. You will get a piece of paper that has typed out EXACTLY what you would need to say and you can read right off of the paper! Also, for just a two minute classroom announcement, you get an entire volunteer hour. This is a great way to get in your 15 volunteer hours to be an active member! Please if you are interested.
Education – Naila Rahman Chalkboarding Naila is looking for volunteers who will commit to going around to an assigned building and writing on the classroom chalkboards to advertise the upcoming blood drives. She will send you through exactly what you would need to write on the chalkboards. This would not be every weekend but it would be several weekends throughout the semester. You get 2-3 days to find time in your own schedule to chalkboard so you can plan it around your own life! Normally, you are paired with a partner and each week the chalkboarding takes approximately an hour or less. Please if you are interested.
H&S – Christine Theberge Changes for CPR classes: 1. All certifications are now two years 2. Prices have gone up because of new cert. duration, but so has the club member discount. 3. All classes are taught at the downtown chapter 4. Everything is online! Disaster Kits We're going to be making infant disaster kits...after THON is over!
Sponsorship - Brian Kimball/Caroline Pember HUB Sign-Up Table Assistants * We are looking for a couple of people interested in helping out with set-up and clean-up of our blood drive sign-up tables located on the ground floor of the HUB. * It doesn't take that long. * You get an hour for every set up or clean up that you do. Set-up: - Go to the downtown Red Cross Office on Pugh Street to pick up the Blood Drive sign-up sheets and the sign-up table bag (if they aren't already in the SRCC locker in the HUB) from Katie. - Take these to the HUB and set up the table designated for the Student Red Cross Club with the supplies given in the bag. - Set up must be done by 9 am. - This job if great for those that have early classes and are already awake! Clean-up: - Go to the HUB Sign-up table located on the ground floor of the HUB (next to the ATM & Bookstore) and clean up all of the fliers, banners, etc and put them in the SRCC Locker. - Gather the blood drive donor sign-up lists and enter the names online. - Clean-up should be done at 5 pm (If you wait too long to clean- up, the HUB might throw the papers away! :-()
Sponsorship - Brian Kimball/Caroline Pember Sponsor Presentations * Sponsorship presentations are really important for helping our sponsors understand their responsibilities for sponsoring a blood drive and to learn more about blood donation. * We need people to help us give sponsor presentations! * For each presentation you give, you will earn 1 hour. * We will have a written presentation example to read off of or refer to, so you don't need to worry about what to say. Sponsorship Shadowing * If you are interested in becoming a sponsorship officer for SRCC, you have the opportunity to shadow Brian and Caroline to see everything that a sponsorship officer does. * You will be helping out with sign-up tables, learning about interacting with sponsors, and learning other things we do behind the scenes. * This is NOT mandatory to become a sponsorship officer, but it's encouraged.
Fundraising – Mike Jen Fundraising Assistant Mike is looking for someone to help out with fundraising this semester. Most of this position will be dealing with the "Paint The Town Red" benefit dinner. A large part of the job will be prize patrol - soliciting downtown businesses for donations.
Webmaster – Matt Avery Website Updates Matt added some sweet stuff to psuredcross.org, such as a concise “About SRCC” page and a THON page, with some great history compiled by the THON Chairs! Check it all out! Protege Search Matt is looking for someone to take his place next year. He is willing to help teach the tools necessary, such as HTML and PHP.
Advisor – Wendi Keeler Charles Drew Blood Donation Campaign Wendi is looking for people to help with our recruiting of African-American blood donors. her if interested. Be the Match, the national bone marrow registry We will be entering people into the national bone marrow registry for FREE at a few drives this month. Keep your eyes out for more info on this amazing opportunity!