Purpose o Complete the freshman curriculum in a timely manner o Ensure eligibility for other majors (# hours earned and GPA) o Support EN “three strikes” and readmission policies Each D, F, and W counts as a “violation” toward progression First violation warning letter Two or more violations one-on-one meeting to discuss o Commitment to major o How they spent their time o Available academic and other resources o Enforcement of progression policy o Next choice of major o Conditions for continuance (if allowed)
Must enroll in specific courses Must submit grade replacement form(s) by due date May not drop, add, or withdraw from any courses May not receive any mid-semester grades of D or F Must complete all courses with a grade of C or better Must successfully complete MAPS Rebound Coaching Failure to meet these requirements: Immediate change of major OR Follow-up meeting to discuss next choice of major OR Referral to department chair for final disposition (ET only)
Since end of Sp11 o ~ 100 one-on-one meetings o Most common reasons for poor performance Not putting forth the effort/time Fraternities Working too many hours Not the right major Full enforcement effective 2011-’12 Communication plan o Freshman SOAR o ENGR/ETGR 1201 o Advising o s and bulletin board MATH 1103/1241 “Early Warning” pilot Mid-term grade alerts End-of-semester progression warning and violation letters (mailed to permanent address)