Warm-Up Give me your definition of Earth Science? What are the 4 main areas of Earth Science? ( guess if you don’t know) Can you think of any ways Earth Science effects your daily life?
Warm-Up (you have till 2:10) Get ready to present your article. Finish writing your summary Have TITLE of Article and Name of Magazine Which of the 4 categories of Earth Science it falls into and how it relates to ES?
What is Earth Science?
4 Main Areas of Study Astronomy Meteorology Geology Oceanography
Which picture belongs to which area?
Astronomy The study of objects beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. A person who studies astronomy is a Astronomer, they study the universe and everything in it.
Meteorology The branch of Earth Science that studies the air that surrounds our planet. Meteorologists study the forces and processes that cause the atmosphere to change to produce weather. They also try to predict the weather and how changes in the weather might affect the Earth’s climate.
Oceanography The study of Earth’s oceans! They cover nearly 3/4’s of the planet! Oceanographers study the creatures that live in the oceans, they measure different physical and chemical properties of the oceans, observe how different processes occur in these bodies of water. Some study how humans affect the oceans.
Geology The study of the materials that make up Earth and the processes that form and change these materials. Geologists identify rocks, study glacial movements, and study Earth’s history.
What are some of the ways that each of these areas affect our daily lives?
In groups of 3 or 4 List at least 2 jobs that might be in each branch of Earth Science and give a brief description of each job.
Earth Science in the News 6 th period Find 1 article that relates to Earth Science. Use the magazines provided. Tell which of the 4 Areas of ES it falls in. Write a brief summary of article. Present it to class: (probably tomorrow) –tell what it was about, how it relates to ES and something interesting you learned.
HOMEWORK Find 1 example of Earth Science that is applicable today. Use sources such as: Newspapers Magazine articles Journals And Respectable websites, such as: National Geographic, News Channel Websites, Government websites. Be prepared to present in front of the class tomorrow what your article is about and how it relates to Earth Science, also what of the 4 branches it would fall under. YOU WILL NEED TO TURN IN YOUR ARTICLE!