Please only click the arrows EPISODE 5: Greenland
Hi I’m Alice And I’m 18 years old.
I am currently being held hostage
It all started in Greenland with my Dad… … well and my Mum.
After all… …We were in Greenland for Ming's painting carrier
I was at our small apartment
MY BEDROOM This is my bedroom, it is just the way I like it… let me show you around. Phone and computer Bottle of Fanta for midnight drinks Fridge to get midnight snacks Homework Draw Guitar Old Guitar Floor-Drobe Briefcase The Bin Makeup And Stuff Homework Draw Do you like it? YES OR NO Please choose answer
MUM AND DADS BEDROOM This is my Mum and Dad’s room. It’s too neat. Let me show you around. Recently vacuumed carpet Neat Bed Secret Chocolate Stash I’m not meant to know about Neat Wall Neat bedside table Arrow out of neat-vill
LIVING ROOM Here is our style freak lounge room…. Let me show you around The footstool of awesomeness The modern art The flash sky light The heroic view The snazzy T.V. The off cream couch of style Do you like it? YES or NO
I like my house but my Mum and Dad don’t like it that much.
I was at home preparing for my driving test when my dad came home early from work.
Soon after I left..
I though it was odd that he arrived home early But I did not think it mattered.
So I went to see my driving instructor The instructor is an old man with a red bushy beard, named Ted Swa-or-ranger-ga