Exploding Earth Observation Data Example: New Zealand is about 270,00 km Landsat Path/Rows – TM/ETM+ – 30m resolution – ~220 images each – ~30 years (mostly since 1999): – July 1999 – December 2012 – Total number of images for New Zealand alone > – Each image is ~ 1GB when processed. – Total amount of New Zealand data to process: 6000 GB 6TB. – Create 8-day dataset another 7.5TB. Large increase in the number of freely available datasets. Projects quickly are becoming larger. Processing capabilities: Small Linux server (5 computers) with 4 processors each. Kirsten de Beurs, Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability > 3 x data points
What if we want to investigate the US or North America? Conterminous United States: ~ 750 tiles (vs. 25 for New Zealand). North America: ~2500 tiles 100 times as much as New Zealand. 100 x 6TB 600TB just to process. Another 750TB to create results. Not possible on our current processing capabilities. Processing capabilities: Small Linux server (5 computers) with 4 processors each. Kirsten de Beurs, Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability
Solutions? Google Earth Engine? Fox lab (Temple) Alternative: Parallelize all lab computers? DGES owns more than 100 already… most are used less than 12 hours per day. All are connected to our data servers. How do we do this? Is it feasible? Who can design this? Help?!? OU super computer? It does not seem reasonable to move that much data to the super computer. Processes can be carried out by pixel … Kirsten de Beurs, Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability