providing clarity. releasing potential Projects Group UK NARIC Annual Conference
Projects Group Overview: Sources Categories Case studies
Project work Project Work Sources UK based Sectoral mapping Qualification recognition Data systems Grade comparisons International Benchmarking Mapping Institution ranking Framework development European Easing mobility Methodology development Improving recognition
Areas of work Project Work Categories Benchmarking Mapping qualifications Database development E.C. based projects Grade comparisons
Benchmarking Determining a qualification level Consider features e.g. aims, objectives, assessment, learning outcomes Relate to framework levels Establish benchmark qualification e.g. A level, Bachelor level degree, Masters
Benchmarking examples Completed benchmarking projects 2008 Singapore WDA WPLN qualifications Hong Kong EAA HKDSE 2009 CFA Institute CFA charter
HKDSE benchmarking HKDSE LevelHKALE or HKCEE grade reference 5**, 5*, 5 HKALE grades A - D 4 3HKALE grades E 2 HKCEE grades 1
Sectoral Mapping Comparing the content of qualifications Identify appropriate qualifications for mapping Analyse the qualification structure e.g. work to study ratio, assessment Compare the content of one qualification with the other e.g. relevant units, coverage, learning outcomes
Mapping examples Completed sectoral mapping work 2008 Summit Skills 2005 & 2009 CWDC 2007 SWDA WSQs 2007 Engineering Construction Industry Association 2007 Construction Industry Training Board
Grade comparison Comparing qualification pass grades Select qualifications at the same level Analyse pass grade statistics Present the ‘distribution of grades’ Compare country to country performance
Grade comparison Grade comparison work 2007 Hong Kong CEE and ALE ongoing Grade comparisons on I.C. database 2008 Germany Abitur
Grade comparison
European Work Developing collaborative working practices NARIC methodologies Enabling and improving recognition processes Implementing frameworks Improving transparency and clarity in practice
European Work Grading transfer CoRe I and II Recognition of formal and non-formal learning Examples of European work
Other projects Institution ranking Framework development Database construction
Other projects Completed work Institution ranking Qatar Database construction CWDC Framework development Singapore WDA
Summary UK NARIC projects group Provides solutions Eases recognition Ensures standards Identifies best practice
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