Distributed teams that Tips and Tricks to build energy, enthusiasm and collaboration. POP
Offsite JapanOffshore IndiaChinaArgentina
Is the pendulum swinging away from offshoring? No! In its latest study, Forrester predicts that by the end of next year, U.S. firms will offshore more than 800,000 service jobs, 40 percent more than the firm estimated previously. Forrester's overall estimate remains the same: The firm predicts that about 3.3 million jobs will go overseas by 2015.
A recent study commissioned by collaboration software company Wrike reveals that: 83 percent of respondents reported working from home for at least part of their workday in 2012; 66 percent believed that their office could be completely virtual within the next five years. American workers who spend most of their time working from home rose from 3.6% of the workforce in 2005 to 4.3% in The bureau also noted that home-based work in computer, engineering and science is rising particularly fast, growing almost 70% between 2000 and (Source: US Census Bureau) Telecommuting
Rural Sourcing Crowdsourcing - free agency, in-the-wild testing (Turk, uTest) Trends
Case: New Mobile app must be released in 12 weeks. Team consists of: 1 PM, on shore but full time work from home. 5 QA Analysts based out of corporate headquarters, but most work two days per week from home 5 Offshore Developers 5 Offshore QA Analysts To enable better collaboration, QA analysts work more closely with development during functional testing, leaving the onshore Analysts to do regression.
Challenges? Advantages? Risks? t
Your situation Offsite Contract Offshore Remote office
Consider the role you play on your local team. What do you offer? What are your limitations?
Your Challenges
Process (Agile or Waterfall? CMM?)Technical – what equipment/licenses do you need? Day to day events. Build process and frequencyMaintenance periods Build process and frequencyMaintenance periods Planning Consider your team's processes and environment. Identify roadblocks early. What are the limitations?What are the essentials? Examples:
How do we do it? Plan Train Measure Correct Repeat
Planning What will this new team or individual be doing? How independently can they work, or is there overlap with onsite teams?
Manage Forming the team Who is responsible for hiring? Know what you’re looking for and communicate that Don’t look for what you already have Get involved in the interview process
Manage Training Consider how to replicate onsite training availability.Knowledge base (such as a Wiki) – create it and direct the team to it.
Manage Training Too many organizations “Plug and Play.” “How to do it” vs. “How to get it done.”How do we give offsite teams the “metadata” about how we work that they need?
Volunteers, please.
Project spec
Training means: Product and Process Knowledge People Knowledge Cultural knowledge (yes, geographic, but…)
Tuckman’s model Forming Performing Storming Norming
Manage Effective Meetings Logistics & Technology – What are you using and is it effective? Who is responsible for conducting? How are the meetings organized? Verify understanding.
Effective questions When will you be done? How many defects have you found? What time will you be in the office tomorrow to report on status again? vs. What is your assessment of the project? What risks do we need to be aware of? What other information or assistance do you need?
Manage Effective Interaction Idioms Age Background Geography Channels
It's so easy to be misunderstood! Does your communication pass the test? To Be or Not To Be: Korean - “Lives dies!” Dutch – “To be be or!” Japanese – “Because of a certain or because it is not! ” Chinese – “The survival destroys!” Greek – “In order to it is or in order to it is not!” Hungarian – “Be, or not be!” Turkish – “had straight exist or even if not had straight exist!”
Manage Measure How is success defined? Cost savings? Productivity? 24/7 development cycleHow is it measuredIs it tracked? How is it measuredIs it tracked? How is it measured? Is it tracked?
How is your performance evaluated?
Manage Feedback Who is responsible for feedback? How are expectations communicated? One-on-ones with offsite team members. How is performance rewarded/corrected? What is the career path?What motivates each individual?
Report success...and failure Status – what should people be aware of, not just what is being asked for. Time to completion doesn't tell the whole story. Efficiencies and Inefficiencies Trends, trends, trends...
Mobile initiatives QA progress Ship date Defects Found in Requirements (onshore) Defects Found in Functional Testing (offshore) Defects Found in Regression Testing (onshore) Defects reported in Production Total Defects Found
Defects found by area Defects Found in Requirements (onshore) Defects Found in Functional Testing (offshore) Defects Found in Regression Testing (onshore) Defects reported in Production
What doesn’t work Wind up and go Assuming the offsite folks can do what your onsite folks can do Trusting people outside of your organization to know what you are looking for Expecting instant ramp-up Not providing feedback
What doesn’t work Assuming the onsite folks won’t be affected Asking the wrong question Assuming motivation Ignore success Ignore failure
What works Clearly defined responsibilities Clearly defined ideal candidates Clearly defined measures of success Establish agreed-upon procedures and tweak if necessary Understand that training is ongoing (just like your onsite folks) Anticipate and deal with technical limitations
What works Change the source Evaluate task size - Start with small goals and work up Consideration of environment Establishing points of contact Establishing consistent procedures Inclusion Learn from failure, celebrate success
Any of this sound familiar?
Questions ?