Accuplacer & Compass Download Application Bettsie Montero – Imperial Valley College
Imperial Valley College
Data Flow from Accuplacer thru Banner: STEP 1 :Download Data from Accuplacer STEP 2: Run Ms. Access Macro STEP 3: Banner form SOATEST has been update it.
Internal Communication Process:
STEP 1 Download Data from Accuplacer
STEP 2 Run Ms. Access Application
STEP 1: Delete the Local tables STEP 2: Import Accuplacer Text file from C:\ drive to local table STEP 3: Filter Data, Delete Bad records locally. STEP 4: Thru SSN get the ID number and PIDM. STEP 5: Append SOATEST Banner form for AWRI test only (English). STEP 6: Append SOATEST Banner form for ARDG test only (Reading). STEP 7: Append SOATEST Banner form for AMTH test only (Math). STEP 8: Print Data Loaded report. STEP 9: Print Data Unloaded report. Internal Macro process:
STEP 3 Banner form SOATEST has been update it.
Ms Access DB and Oracle DB communication process: FILES NEEDED: 1.ODBC -Oracle ODBC drivers from 2.NET9 from the Oracle 9i Client CD.
Open DataBase Connectivity=ODBC : Open DataBase Connectivity, is a standard database access method developed by the SQL Access group in 1992.standarddatabase access The goal of ODBC is to make it possible to access any data from any application, regardless of which database management system (DBMS) is handling the data.dataapplicationdatabase management system (DBMS)data ODBC manages this by inserting a middle layer, called a database driver, between an application and the DBMS. The purpose of this layer is to translate the application's data queries into commands that the DBMS understands.driver translatequeriescommands
ODBC Installation Then modify the file TNSNAMES.ORA by adding the entries for the TEST or PRD databases. Go to the MICROSOFT ODBC DATA SOURCE ADMINISTRATOR and create an ODBC connection to the database using the ODBC drivers just installed.