Year 2 Curriculum Meeting September 2012
Reading Shared Reading - A shared text that we read together Guided Reading – Each child reads with an adult every day. Children will bring home a book each day. Books must come back to school daily. Independent Reading Books – Each week, children have an opportunity to self select a text from our infant library. These books should be returned to school each Friday.
Spelling Paired Spelling Read Look Cover Write Check
Assessment for learning Daily basis Marking Peer and self assessment Thumbs up, thumbs down 2 star and a wish
Daily reading Spellings Writing plan - to be returned each Thursday Maths games Home Learning
Autumn Term Dinosaurs Anti – Bullying Week Christmas Harvest Bonfire night Lighthouses New Beginnnigs
Things to remember… Water bottles – water only, named Start and End of the Day Procedures – Trim trail PE – school kit only, named, Monday and Tuesday School Bags – not too big, named Coats – every day, named
Home-School Links Please come into school and discuss any worries you or your child have.