Microsoft ® Office SharePoint ® Server 2007 Training SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Bellwood-Antis School District presents:
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Course contents Overview: Know your group’s whereabouts Lesson: Use a calendar on a SharePoint site The lesson concludes with a short set of questions to test your understanding of the material.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Overview: Know your group’s whereabouts Does your company use Microsoft Windows ® SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007? Now’s the time to learn to use a SharePoint calendar to share information with your coworkers. With a calendar on the SharePoint site, you and your colleagues will have easy access to common schedules and dates.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Course goals Share schedule information by entering it in a shared calendar on the SharePoint site. Easily move around in the shared calendar on the SharePoint site. Update or delete entries in the shared calendar.
Lesson Use a calendar on a SharePoint site
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Use a calendar on a SharePoint site Why use a calendar on a SharePoint site? Because it’s a great way to share information using the familiar context of a calendar. A calendar on a SharePoint site is similar to a whiteboard calendar that you might put up in your building’s hallway or break room. Like that whiteboard, the SharePoint calendar is in a public place — the SharePoint site, where anyone with access to the site can see and use it.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar See the calendar So, you’re ready to try using a calendar on your company’s SharePoint site. With many standard deployments of a SharePoint site, a calendar is already in place. If that’s the case for you, all you’ll need to do to access the calendar is click Calendar under Lists on the Quick Launch, as shown in the picture.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Get around in the calendar Once you find your calendar, you’ll need to know how to get around in it. You’ll do that by clicking the different controls on the page. You can move from month to month, week to week, or day to day by using the arrows. And you can look at a day, a week, or a month at a time by using the buttons. To quickly move to different years or months, use the small calendar above the Quick Launch. Animation: Right-click, and click Play.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Get around in the calendar Once you find your calendar, you’ll need to know how to get around in it. You’ll do that by clicking the different controls on the page. You can move from month to month, week to week, or day to day by using the arrows. And you can look at a day, a week, or a month at a time by using the buttons of the same name. To quickly move to different years or months, use the small calendar above the Quick Launch.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Enter items Now you’ll add calendar entries one at a time by clicking New Item on the New menu. Then you’ll enter the item’s details in a form. It’s easy to create recurring items, such as a weekly staff meeting. Just elect the Make this a repeating event check box and then set the item’s recurrence pattern. Animation: Right-click, and click Play.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Enter items Now you’ll add calendar entries one at a time by clicking New Item on the New menu. Then you’ll enter the item’s details in a form. It’s easy to create both one-time items and recurring items, such as a weekly staff meeting. For recurrence, select the Make this a repeating event check box and then set the item’s recurrence pattern.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Change in plans? Edit or delete an entry Schedules change; you want to be able to update existing calendar entries to reflect those changes. To modify an item in the calendar, click its link to open it. Then change the details by clicking Edit Item. To completely remove an item from the calendar, click its link to open it, and then click Delete Item. Animation: Right-click, and click Play.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Change in plans? Edit or delete an entry Schedules change; you want to be able to update existing calendar entries to reflect those changes. To modify an item in the calendar, click its link to open it. Then change the details by clicking Edit Item, as shown in the picture. To completely remove an item from the calendar, click its link to open it, and then click Delete Item.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Let others know about it The benefit of using a calendar on a SharePoint site is that others will be able to see it and add to it — but first they’ll need to know that the calendar exists. An easy way to let others know of the calendar’s existence is to send them a link. You’ll see the URL for the calendar at the top of your Web browser in the address bar. You can copy this URL and paste it into an message.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Let others know about it Another method, if you’re using the Windows Internet Explorer ® browser, is to follow these steps. In Internet Explorer, click the File menu. Point to Send, and then click Link by .
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Let others know about it When you click Link by , you’ll create an message that contains a link to the calendar. Then all that’s left for you to do is to address the message and send it. You may also want to include a bit of explanatory text about the calendar.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Test question 1 Using a calendar on a SharePoint site allows you to share information with anyone who has access to the site. (Pick one answer.) 1.True. 2.False.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Test question 1: Answer True.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Test question 2 To edit an item in a SharePoint calendar, you do which of the following? (Pick one answer.) 1.Find the day in the calendar and start typing. 2.Delete the item and start over. 3.Open the item by clicking its link on the SharePoint site.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Test question 2: Answer Open the item by clicking its link on the SharePoint site. You would do this by clicking the link to the item in the calendar. Then use the Edit button to open the item for editing.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Test question 3 You’ve found the calendar on your company’s SharePoint site, but only you seem to be using it. What’s a good way to get others involved? (Pick one answer.) 1.Tell them about it. 2.Have your site administrator send an announcement. 3.Just wait — other people will catch on eventually.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Test question 3: Answer Tell them about it. A great way to broadcast the calendar’s availability and to make it easy for others to find it is to use Internet Explorer to send a link, as shown in the course.
SharePoint calendars I: Make the most of your team calendar Quick Reference Card For a summary of the tasks covered in this course, view the Quick Reference Card. Quick Reference Card
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