European Platform of Women Scientists 1 Empowerment, exchange, cooperation - key issues in networking women scientists Conference “Women in Academia” Workshop Successful Networking Aarhus, 18 May 2009 Dr. Maren Jochimsen
2 Proportion of women and men in a typical academic career, students and academic staff, EU25, Source: European Commission, Women & Science: Latest Statistics and Indicators – She Figures 2006, p. 55 Definition of grades: A: The single highest grade/post at which research is normally conducted; B: Researchers working in positions not as senior as top position (A) but more senior than newly qualified PhD holders; C: The first grade/post into which a newly qualified PhD graduate would normally be recruited; ISCED 5A: Tertiary programmes to provide sufficient qualifications to enter into advanced research programmes & professions with high skills requirements; ISCED 6: Tertiary programmes which lead to an advanced research qualification (PhD)
3 Instruments for networking women scientists Individual level Mentoring and ambassador programmes Networking events Informal networks, including web-based social networks Structural level Formal networks of women scientists and for the promotion of women scientists
4 Typology of formal networks women scientists National networks of women scientists in all disciplines (Femmes et Science, Donne et Scienza) Discipline and occupational networks at the national, European and international level (EUWIIN, PROMETEA, Network of Women in Philosophy in Denmark) In-university or in-company networks (Delft Women in Science, frAU Female Researchers at Aarhus University) Training networks (The Daphne Jackson Trust) Regional/International networks (BASNET Forumas, EPWS)
5 European acknowledgement of the importance of networking for women scientists 1999 Commission Communication: “Women and Science: mobilizing women to enrich European Research" (COM(1999)76) ► “Networks of women scientists have a key role to play in ensuring a better integration of the gender dimension in the research policy” Declaration of Networks Active in Europe: “Women and Science: Networking the Networks”, Brussels, 8-9 July 1999 ►“Networking among women scientists is essential to empower women scientists in their respective fields”
6 Rationale for the networking of women scientists I Support, enhance and empower women in their careers Inform, encourage and motivate girls and young women to choose scientific careers Provide role models and mentors Facilitate women’s return to scientific careers
7 Rationale for the networking of women scientists II Campaign for family friendly measures Take part in the decision-making processes - to promote to contribute to shape science policy and scientific culture - to improve gender balance in science and research
8 The creation EPWS to answer these needs Action Plan on Science & Society 2001: "There is a need for a framework under which to exchange experience and good practice while facilitating cooperation and consultation across sciences. This would create the mechanism for involving women scientists more actively in the policy process” Under Action Nr. 24: Commission decision to set up a European Platform of Women Scientists to bring together networks of women scientists and organisations committed to gender equality in research 2003: FP6 Call for proposal for the establishment of the Platform
9 EPWS Mission Represent the concerns, needs, ideas, aspirations and interests of European women scientists in all disciplines and all stages of their career paths Coordinate support activities for women scientists to facilitate their active role in the European Research Area as researchers as well as participants in the research policy debate in Europe
10 Networks of Women Scientists Individual Scientists Gender Experts Science Networks National EU Institutions Universities Research Institutions Companies Disciplinary National/ Regional Expertise Information Coaching Membership Services Monitoring of Policies Feedback Expertise Position Papers Replies to Consultations TARGETED INFORMATION NGO NETWORKING PARTNERSHIPS COMMON PROJECTS The link between women scientists and policy makers
11 Increase the participation of women scientists in European research policy and the shaping of the EU research agenda Enhance the participation of women in science and its decision-making bodies as well as in national and European research programmes, especially in FP7 Promote the understanding and the inclusion of the gender issue in science and research EPWS Goals I
12 Network the networks Strengthen contacts and collaboration among women scientists Provide contacts to high profile women scientists of all disciplines as keynote speakers, panel members and evaluators Identify funding and support opportunities EPWS Goals II
13 Networking-Membership Research Policy Public Relations and Information including Electronic Platform Private and Public Partnerships/ Fundraising EPWS Main Areas of Activity
14 Membership by Country
15 Membership by Discipline
16 Challenges ahead I Source: EPWS Questionnaire Networking and Funding, November 2008
17 Challenges ahead II Constant need for political awareness: “Risk to rest on one’s laurels”: trend in Europe to consider the women scientists issue as solved and to focus entirely on diversity Need for administrative support Need for financial support of - running costs (structural support) including paid workforce to support existing voluntary work - support activities for women scientists to promote and facilitate their active role in research decision-making processes particularly in some countries and disciplines
18 Why do we need specific programmes for women in research and technology? f www.
19 European Platform of Women Scientists AISBL Rue d’Arlon 38 B-1000 Bruxelles Tel: Fax: