SCENARIO 1: FIRST GRADE Our scenario is for a 1st grade class with a total of 20 students. Of the 20 students 2 are white and the other 18 are black. There are no ESL students, however there is 1 student is a male with ADHD, 1 is a male with Autism, and 2 gifted students. Of the 2 gifted students one is a female that reads at a 3rd grade level and the other is a male that reads at a 2nd grade level. The gender balance will be 9 girls 11 boys, with 5 girls and 2 boys reading at low levels and having mastery over few pre-primer words. Our school will be a title one school that has a 90% FRL population, has very low parent involvement, and is accredited with a warning. It is located in the center of a low socioeconomic neighborhood. The school is properly funded and the classroom has 3 computers plenty of books and learning materials.
SCENARIO 2: SECOND GRADE Grade: 2 # of students: 20 Breakdown -gender: 12 boys 8 girls -FRL: 10 (half of our students) -race/ethnicity: black, white, hispanic -ESL: 4 students -Gifted: 5 students -Special needs: 2 (1 hearing impaired; 1 autistic) Location of school: rural area Accredited: No Reading levels: emergent (ESL students); beginner (majority of class); intermediate (gifted students) Teachers: 1 teacher, parent volunteers, and ESL teacher, special ed. teacher, reading specialist (these 3 come in for a certain time each day) Technology: smart boards in most classrooms, 2 classroom laptop sets Resources: 2 computers in our classroom, teacher aids, classroom library, reading benefit program (students receive free books) Funding: regular/good Strengths: comprehension, decoding Challenges: decoding and fluency for ESL students; prosody for entire class.
SCENARIO 3: 5/6 TH GRADE Grade: 5 th /6 th # of Students: 20 · Gender: 13males, 7 girls · FRL/SES: 4 · Race/ethnicity: 12 White, 8 Black · Gifted: 4 gifted – no more than 2 content areas/core subjects · ESL: 0 due to demographics · Special Needs: 2, 1 mobility, 1 Dyslexic Location of school – Rural · Accredited? Yes · Reading levels (by grade equiv.) o 6 above level (3 – 6 th ; 3 – 7 th ) o 3 behind (one – 3 rd, 2 = 4 th ) o 11 on level · Technology o 1 mobile lab (must be reserved) o 2 SmartBoards in the school (must be reserved) · Resources o 1 library o 1 resource room, 2 expert teachers (1 Special Ed & 1 Reading) O
SCENARIO 4: KINDERGARTEN This is a low SES suburban school located in VA Beach. The school is very diverse and transient because of a large military population. In our classroom alone we have 2 Asian children, 1 Indian child, 3 Hispanic children, 1 Arab child and 8 African-American children and 10 Caucasian children. There are 16 girls and 9 boys. 10 children are FRL. The reading levels in the class vary. 2 are below average, 15 are on grade level, and 8 are above average. We have a cluster of 8 gifted students. There are 3 ESL students and one child who is high functioning autistic ( He performs well academically, but lacks social skills and communication).