Chapter 5 Vocabulary air pollution emissions photochemical smog ozone acid rain ozone layer chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) greenhouse effect global warming drought water pollution sewage pesticides fertilizers scrubber catalytic converter j
Air Pollution a change to the atmosphere that has harmful effects Outdoor Air Pollution Vocabulary Definitions Pollutant any substance that creates pollution Emissions particles and gases released into the air Photochemical Smog thick, brownish haze fromed when certain gases react with sunlight Ozone major chemical found in smog Acid Rain precipitation that is more acidic than usual `
Quiz 1. Name two (2) health effects caused by photochemical smog 2. Name one (1) of the major sources of photochemical smog 3. True or False: Acid rain can be in the form of snow, sleet and fog 4. Name one effect of Acid Rain on the environment.
Air is a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and other gasses. Substances that cause pollution are called pollutants. -ash -gases Air pollution can affect the health of humans and other living things. Air pollution can impact the climate of the whole planet. Air pollution is mostly a result of human activities but can also be from natural causes such as volcanoes (ash, soot, sulfur and nitrogen oxide gases)
Ozone * Ozone is a toxic chemical found in smog * Ozone/smog close to the earth is harmful. - causes lung problems - causes itchy, watery eyes - causes scratchy throat * Ozone/smog high in the atmosphere is helpful - blocks harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun
Effects of Acid Rain Forests dissolve and wash away the nutrients and minerals in the soil which help the trees to grow. wear away the waxy protective coating of leaves, damaging them and preventing them from being able to photosynthesize properly. Buildings and statues * quickens the erosion process, especially on buildings and statues made of limestone and sandstone. Rivers & Lakes * the water becomes clearer, raising the water temperature and the numbers of fish and other water animals decline.
What kind of indoor air pollution is apparent here? Carbon Monoxide is dangerous because you can't see or smell it!!Carbon Monoxide is formed when wood, coal, oil or gas are incompletely burned Carbon Monoxide
Greenhouse gases water vapor carbon dioxide methane ozone nitrous oxide The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop some of the sun's heat from escaping into space. An increase in greenhouse gases, traps more heat and causes the earth to become warmer.
Burning fossil fuels - coal, oil and natural gas - releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. THE ENHANCED GREENHOUSE EFFECT Some of the activities of man also produce greenhouse gases. These gases keep increasing in the atmosphere. The balance of the greenhouse gases changes and this has effects on the whole of the planet. Cutting down trees increases carbon dioxide levels Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs, have been used in aerosols, such as hairspray cans, fridges and in making foam plastics. They are dangerous greenhouse gases because small amounts can trap large amounts of heat.
97% of water on Earth is salt water Salt water cannot be used for drinking or watering crops.
50% of Americans rely on groundwater for fresh water. Water shortages occur when people use water faster than the water cycle can replace it. Droughts are a period when less rain than normal falls - these cause water shortages
Most water pollution is the result of HUMAN ACTIVITY
Sewage!! * wastes washed down sinks, toilets and showers * if not treated, disease-causing organisms quickly multiply * even treated sewage can cause pollution which results in oxygen depletion
Agricultural Wastes
Factory and Mining Wastes * create metal and chemical wastes * harm living things in water * harm human who drink the water or feed on water organisms
Oil spills can take years to clean up! Oil & gasoline can also leak from underground tanks
Reducing Air Pollution Emission Controls -Scrubber - used in smoke stacks to dissolve pollutants -Catalytic Converter -reduces carbon dioxide from cars CFC Substitutes -In 2000, many countries agreed to find alternative substances to replace CFCs
Reducing Water Pollution Sewage -Primary Treatment removes solid waste -Secondary Treatment removes bacteria Oil/Gasoline -quick response necessary because bacteria multiple quickly when feeding on oil. -contaminated soil removed from area -groundwater pumped to surface, treated and returned Agricultural/Industrial Chemicals -alternatives to cleaning agents and fertilizers/pesticides
Fertilizers Fertilizer wash into water sources and cause algae to grow quickly. The algae covers the water source, blocking light from plants below the surface.
Animal Wastes animal wastes are washed into water sources adding bacteria. Play from 2:50 on
Pesticides Pesticides can be sprayed near water or run into water. Chemicals from pesticide can build up over time and move through the food chain.