What did you feel after watching the videos?
Mauna Loa – largest volcano on earth (Hawaii island)
What is a tectonic plate? - A rigid block of earth’s crust. - There are 7 major tectonic plates.
What is a boundary? - an area where plates meet. - transform fault - convergent - divergent
Transform fault Boundary - plates slide with each other - roads become not aligned could form falls and cliffs and can cause earthquakes
Convergent Boundary - plates collide with each other. - can be continental or oceanic plate mountains are formed
Divergent Boundary - plates move apart, a space is left between the plates - space is usually filled with molten magma volcanoes could be formed
Why do plates move? - The crust of the earth is riding on the molten athenosphere (molten magma) - As the asthenosphere moves, the plates on it also move.
How do these forces affect our planet?
Seatwork: Draw a if the statement is true and if false. 1.Due to plate movements, we have mountains. 2.Convection current makes the plates to move and collide.
Seatwork: 3.Our planet is made up of one big plate. 4.Countries that lie on the boundaries are not rocked by earthquakes or volcanic eruption. 5.Falls and cliffs are formed because plates that moved apart.
Prepare for a presentation (3-4 minute news casting on the safety measures before, during, and after an earthquake/a volcanic eruption. Groups 1,3,5 – volcanic eruption Groups 2,4,6 - earthquake Groups 2,4,6 - earthquakeMemo: