“Comfort Doctrines” A teaching which is designed to give comfort and remove the fear of consequences to one who refuses to repent of some sinful activity.
Comfort Doctrines (8) “The Bible doesn’t say that” (1) (watering down God’s word)
Changing the Word of God Integrity of the Bible questioned Denying inspiration Scripture has been corrupted
Gallup poll, May 2011 Is the Bible the literal word of God OR inspired (but not literal) OR an ancient book of myths & fables
Gallup poll, May 2011 Believed Bible is actual word of God – 30% Inspired, but not literal – 49% Book of stories – 17%
Gallup poll, May 2011 Church Attendance Literal Word of God Inspired, not literal Book of Fables Every Week 54%41%3% Often, but not weekly 22%66%7% Seldom or never 16%46%34%
Gallup poll, May 2011 Education Level Literal Word of God Inspired, not literal Book of Fables High School 46%38%13% Some College 22%56%19% College Graduate 15%64%19% Post Graduate 16%55%25%
Gallup poll, May 2011 Summary: Respect for God’s word (as literal) has decreased from 38% ( ) to 31% (2011) Inspired only from 41% ( ) to 49% (2011)
“Watering down” the Word of God The authority of the Bible is questioned: Outdated or just a guideline Changing methods of establishing authority Reliance on silence Appeals to emotions Unity in diversity (our last lesson)
Manipulating God’s Word Taking verses out of context or changing Biblical terms – Homosexuality (Rom. 1:24-27) – MDR (Matt. 19:9, 1 Cor. 7:10-11) – Fellowshipping error
Such are “comfort doctrines” One may reject any passage he doesn’t like It broadens boundaries of fellowship Appealing message No need to address such concerns with others
The Bible IS accurate & relevant It is inspired “Thus says the Lord” 2 Tim. 3:16,17 Authors claimed such – 2 Pet. 1:19-22, Gal. 1:12, 1 Cor. 2:10-13
The Bible IS accurate & relevant It is inspired The uniqueness of the Bible – 1600 years, 40+ authors, 3 continents & languages, yet it is a united message
The Bible IS accurate & relevant It is inspired We need to approach it as directly from God in concept AND pattern! 1 Pet. 4:11, 1 Cor. 14:37, 1 Thess. 4:8
The Bible IS accurate & relevant It is without error Psalm 19:7, “perfect, converting the soul” James 1:25 James 1:17
The Bible IS accurate & relevant It is RELEVANT for today 2 Tim. 3:16, 17, “profitable” Rom. 1:16,17 2 Pet. 1:3
The Bible IS accurate & relevant It is RELEVANT for today A standard that will make society its best concerning: - families: parents, spouses, etc. - work ethics - better people - government - good neighbors - citizenship - elders, preachers
The integrity of scripture EVERY step of the process in developing the Bible has been scrutinized and evaluated: From the autographs –– to canonization –to transmission - to translation, with accuracy at 99+%. Cf. DSS, 24,000 mss, etc.
Respect its boundaries 1 Cor. 4:6 Rev. 22:18,19 Gal. 1:6-9 2 Tim. 1:13 Will we turn God’s boundaries into barriers?
“Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he really find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8)