The Transcendental Meditation® Program For Full Development of Life Introductory Lecture Welcome The Transcendental Meditation® Program For Full Development of Life © 2008 Global Country of World Peace TM, Transcendental Meditation, and Maharishi are registered or common law trademarks registered by Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and used under sublicense
Founder of the Transcendental Meditation program Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Founder of the Transcendental Meditation program
The TM technique is: Easy to learn Enjoyable and effortless… ® Easy to learn Enjoyable and effortless… Not a belief—but a technique Natural—in accord with Natural Law Unique—unlike all other meditations Practical—benefits all aspects of life
The TM technique twice daily: A preparation for more dynamic, fulfilling activity.
“Water the root—enjoy the fruit.”
Benefits for: Mind Body Behavior/relationships Environment
Developing Full Mental Potential Transcendental Meditation in the classroom: “One of the Year’s Best ideas.” —New York Times Magazine TM NEW RESEARCH on the TM technique for full development of life.
Know Thyself. Go back into yourself, for truth dwells deep within you. —Oracle at Delphi Go back into yourself, for truth dwells deep within you. —St. Augustine What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. —Ralph Waldo Emerson The self is a “kosmos,” beyond the “boundaries.” —Walt Whitman
Enlightenment An uninterrupted state of heightened well-being Described throughout the ages in similar, universal terms: An uninterrupted state of heightened well-being Freedom from suffering An abundance of intelligence and creativity so immense that problems cannot overshadow life Living in perfect harmony with one’s surroundings—a deep, intimate unity with the cosmos
Enlightenment Why is this greater potential of life not the primary concern of education and psychology? Why is it not more commonly understood? What has it not been the object of scientific study?
Enlightenment Until now. Because there has not been a systematic, reliable means to experience it… Until now.
TM: How it works…
O O O O O Source of Thought Conscious Mind O 10% Mental Potential Unconscious Mind O O O O Source of Thought
O Conscious Mind O O O O O O Source of Thought
O O O O Conscious Mind O Pure Consciousness Fully Awake, Self-Referral
Gamma Beta Alpha Theta Delta Problem solving, concentration Busy, active mind Reflective, restful Drowsiness Sleep, dreaming The human brain emits faint electrical impulses that can be measured and recorded by EEG (electroencephalographic) monitoring devices. An EEG measurement identifies wavelengths (or frequencies) of brainwaves.
Typical EEG Tracings A typical EEG tracing is a rapidly changing composite or combination of different frequencies—waves moving up and down at different rates—some slow, some fast. During ordinary waking consciousness, EEG patterns are complex, scattered and disorderly.
Increased EEG Coherence High EEG coherence is seen during restful alertness. Here we see the electrical activity from 11 points of the brain during transcending. Top and bottom of this chart are the front left and front right parts of the brain. Notice how the signals between pairs of sensors are rising up and down together. This is called coherence. Coherence means that two parts of the brain are talking to each other—are functionally linked. This is global coherence. The brain as a whole is more wakeful, is more lively. Alpha EEG as a carrier wave for higher processing and higher EEG frequencies. The more coherent the alpha carrier wave, the more efficient the person would respond—better performance on spatial tasks, memory tasks, creativity scores and paired reaction time tasks. Frontal alpha coherence is not reported in other meditation practices. EEG coherence during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique: brainwaves rise up and down together—maintaining a stable phase relationship—indicating that the whole brain is highly correlated. This integrated state of brain function corresponds to the subjective experience of heightened wakefulness or restful alertness. Research shows that the TM technique cultures the brain to behave more coherently and efficiently overtime, as seen in a person’s improved response to stimuli—with better performance on spatial and memory tasks, creativity scores, and reaction time tests. Such findings are not reported from other meditation practices. References: International Journal of Psychophysiology, 116, 1519-38 (2006); Biological Psychology, 61, 293-319 (2002)
Alpha Coherence Maps Front Middle Eyes Open Eyes Closed TM Practice The same subject is shown, with eyes closed before learning TM, and then 3 months later during TM practice. Eyes Open Eyes Closed TM Practice References: International Journal of Psychophysiology, 116, 1519-38 (2006); Biological Psychology, 61, 293-319 (2002); Consciousness and Cognition, 8(3), 302-18 (1999); Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 35 (1973); International Journal of Neuroscience 14: 147–151, 1981.
High levels of EEG coherence measured during Transcendental Meditation are significantly correlated with higher creativity, greater efficiency in learning new concepts, more principled moral reasoning, higher verbal intelligence (IQ), less neuroticism, higher academic achievement, clearer experiences of Transcendental Consciousness, and greater neurological efficiency (faster spinal reflex recovery). References: International Journal of Neuroscience 13: 211–217, 1981; 15: 151–157, 1981
O O O O O Source of Thought Conscious Mind O 10% Mental Potential Unconscious Mind O O O O Source of Thought
O O O O O Source of Thought Conscious Mind O 15% Mental Potential Unconscious Mind O O O O Source of Thought
O O O O O Source of Thought Conscious Mind O 50% Mental Potential Unconscious Mind O O O O Source of Thought
O O O O O Source of Thought Conscious Mind O 75% Mental Potential Unconscious Mind O O Source of Thought
Pure Consciousness — “Unbounded” Awareness Conscious Mind 100% Mental Potential O O O O O O Pure Consciousness — “Unbounded” Awareness
Benefits for the Mind Scientific Research Findings: Increased creativity The Journal of Creative Behavior Improved memory Memory & Cognition Increased IQ Personality and Individual Differences Improved perception Memory & Cognition Faster reaction time Personality and Individual Differences Increased intelligence Higher Education Research and Development Increased field independence Perceptual and Motor Skills
Benefits for the Mind Scientific Research Findings: Improvement in academic skills British Journal of Educational Psychology Improved concept learning Journal of Clinical Psychology Improved problem solving ability Scientific Research: Collected Papers, Vol.1 Integration of left- and right-hemispheres Psychophysiology Improved mental health Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal Holistic improvement in intellectual performance Intelligence
Tom, here are some points from Skipユs paper that you can use. ハ Tom, here are some points from Skipユs paper that you can use.ハ* Self actualization means full development of the individual self.* It is the most validated measure in modern psychology of psychological health.* Maslow and other Humanistic Psychologists have conjectured that transcendental experiences promote self-actualization and psychological health.* Research has confirmed that:1) ハtranscendental experiences through the TM t have distinct psychophysiological correlates;2) systematic culturing of these experiences through TM results in measurable changes both during and after meditation;3) through this systematic transcendence, TM develops self-actualization more rapidly that other forms of relaxation and meditation not specifically directed towards (or as efficient in) producing transcendence (as has been shown by this meta-analysis); and4) processes of development will メunfreezeモ in subpopulations, such as prison inmates and drug abusers, whose development has been arrested or impaired, as evidenced by reduced psychopathology and enhanced psychological health.ハ Statistical meta-analysis of all available research (42 independent study results) indicated that practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Program increased self-actualization by about three times as much as procedures of contemplation, concentration, or other techniques. Reference: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 6: 189–248, 1991.
Every experience you have changes your brain.
Nothing changes it like transcending.
Total Brain Functioning
The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired. - Stephen W. Hawking
SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator European Center for Nuclear Research
Greater orderliness of brain functioning Reference: Psychosomatic Medicine 46: 267, 276, 1984 The orderliness of the Unified Field— seen as increased brainwave coherence
“The individual is cosmic.”
Creating A Higher State of Health: The Physiology of Enlightenment
the 4th State of Consciousness Discovery of the 4th State of Consciousness • Reductions in breath rate—deep state of rest 25%
the 4th State of Consciousness Discovery of the 4th State of Consciousness • Reductions in breath rate—deep state of rest • Reduced blood lactate 20%
the 4th State of Consciousness Discovery of the 4th State of Consciousness • Reductions in breath rate—deep state of rest • Reduced blood lactate • Significant increases in basal skin resistance 70%
the 4th State of Consciousness Discovery of the 4th State of Consciousness • Reductions in breath rate—deep state of rest • Reduced blood lactate • Significant increases in basal skin resistance • EEG: restful alertness ALPHA POWER
the 4th State of Consciousness Discovery of the 4th State of Consciousness • Reductions in breath rate—deep state of rest • Reduced blood lactate • Significant increases in basal skin resistance • EEG: restful alertness Scientific American 1972; 226:84-90; Science 1970; 167:1751-1754
the 4th State of Consciousness Discovery of the 4th State of Consciousness • Reductions in breath rate—deep state of rest • Reduced blood lactate • Significant increases in basal skin resistance • EEG: restful alertness Scientific American 1972; 226:84-90; Science 1970; 167:1751-1754 • Decreased plasma cortisol • Increased muscle relaxation • Natural suspension of respiration • Increased blood flow to the brain • EEG coherence—holistic brain function American Journal of Physiology 235: R89–R92, 1978; International Journal of Neuroscience 14: 147–151, 1981; Hormones and Behavior 10: 54–60, 1978; Journal of Applied Physiology 56: 607–612, 1984; Physiology & Behavior 35: 591–595, 1985
the National Institutes of Health Research funded by the National Institutes of Health
Independent Research Conducted at Medical Schools Nationwide Harvard Medical School Stanford Medical School Yale Medical School UCLA Medical School University of Virginia Medical Center University of California, Irvine Cedars-Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles University of California at San Francisco Medical School University of Chicago Medical School University of Southern California Medical School University of Michigan Medical School University of Hawaii Howard University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C. University of Iowa The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
of Physicians Practicing the American Association of Physicians Practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique
“…the single-most effective program to reduce stress.” —Steele Belok, M.D. Harvard Medical School “…a deep state of rest that refreshes mind and body—improving sleep, increasing creativity and intelligence, and reducing anxiety.” —Nancy Lonsdorf, MD “High blood pressure is reduced even after a few months of twice-daily practice of the TM technique.” —Gary Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D. New York University School of Medicine faculty. “…the most effective program for promoting health and reducing health-care utilization and medical expenses.” —Kulreet Chaudary, MD, Medical Director of Neurology, Scripps Memorial Hospital 56
"Adding Transcendental Meditation is equivalent to adding a second antihypertensive agent to one's current regimen, only safer and less troublesome."
Hospital Admission Rates
Benefits for the body Scientific Research Findings: Reduction of Atherosclerosis Stroke Increased longevity International Journal of Neuroscience Quicker recovery from stress Psychosomatic Medicine Reduction of high cholesterol Journal of Human Stress Improvements in bronchial asthma Clinical Research Decreased insomnia Journal of Counseling and Development
Benefits for the body Scientific Research Findings: Improved heart function The American Journal of Cardiology Improved neuromuscular function Perceptual and Motor Skills Reduced blood pressure Hypertension Archives of Internal Medicine Calmer style of physiological functioning American Psychologist More stability of autonomic nervous system Psychosomatic Medicine
Those who had been regularly practicing the Transcendental Meditation Program showed younger biological age, with a greater reduction in biological age the longer they had been participating in the Program. Reference: International Journal of Neuroscience 16: 53–58, 1982.
Inner Happiness Harmonious Relationships
O O O O Growth of Consciousness Growth of Invincibility O Inner happiness O O O Sat Chit Ananda
Patients suffering from post-traumatic stress problems who learned the Transcendental Meditation Program showed significant reduction in depression after four months, in contrast to others who were randomly assigned to receive psychotherapy. Reference: Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212–215, 1985.
A statistical meta-analysis of 146 independent study results found that the Transcendental Meditation Program is significantly more effective in reducing trait anxiety than procedures of concentration or contemplation, or other techniques. Reference: Journal of Clinical Psychology 45: 957–974, 1989.
Reduced Use of Cigarettes
Improved Social Behavior Scientific Research Findings: Reduced hostility Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Improved relationships Anxiety, Stress and Coping Improved self-esteem British Journal of Psychology Healthier response to stress American Psychologist Decreased neurosis Japanese Journal of Industrial Health Decreased depression Journal of Counseling and Development
Improved Social Behavior Scientific Research Findings: Decreased alcohol use Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly Increased job satisfaction Academy of Management Journal Improved job performance Academy of Management Journal Increased leadership behavior Career Development International Decreased use of drugs International Journal of the Addictions Greater appreciation of others Perceptual and Motor Skills
Creating World Peace
= unit of world peace
Collective Consciousness
Creating Global Citizenship “What's needed really is a higher level of consciousness.” —Al Gore
Creating Global Citizenship What is higher consciousness? Not just becoming more aware of a particular problem It is a holistic growth of CONSCIOUSNESS itself One becomes more awake—broader comprehension, increased EEG coherence, Resulting in a more global, universal outlook
Creating Global Citizenship Scientific Research Findings: Increased EEG coherence International Journal of Neuroscience Broader comprehension Perceptual and Motor Skills Increased creativity The Journal of Creative Behavior Increased intelligence Higher Education Research and Development Improved problem solving ability Scientific Research: Collected Papers, Vol.1 Integration of left- and right-hemispheres Psychophysiology
Creating Global Citizenship Scientific Research Findings: Decreased anxiety Journal of Clinical Psychology Reduced hostility Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Improved relationships Anxiety, Stress and Coping Healthier response to stress American Psychologist Decreased neurosis Japanese Journal of Industrial Health Increased leadership behavior Career Development International Greater appreciation of others Perceptual and Motor Skills
The formula for world peace “In the vicinity of yoga (unified consciousness) hostile tendencies are eliminated.” —Maharishi Patanjali
In this carefully controlled experiment, the coherence-creating group increased from 800 to 4,000 over the two-month period. Although violent crime had been steadily increasing during the first five months of the year, soon after the start of the study, violent crime (measured by FBI Uniform Crime Statistics) began decreasing and continued to drop until the end of the experiment (maximum decrease 23.3%), after which it began to rise again. The likelihood that this result could be attributed to chance variation in crime levels was less than two parts per billion (p < .000000002). The drop in crime could not be attributed to other possible causes, including temperature, precipitation, weekends, and police and community anti-crime activities (Social Indicators Research 47: 153-201, 1999).
A day-by-day study of a two-month assembly in Israel during August and September of 1983 showed that, on days when the number of participants at a peace-creating assembly was high, the intensity of an ongoing war in neighboring Lebanon decreased sharply. When the number of participants was high, war deaths in Lebanon dropped by 76%. (p<.0001). [The mathematical expression p<.0001 indicates that, as a result of standard mathematical analysis, the likelihood that this result could be attributed to chance variation in levels of fighting was less than 1 in 10,000. This amounts to a much higher confidence level than is typical in the social sciences.] Reference: Yale University Journal of Conflict Resolution 32: 776–812, 1988.
in World Consciousness Increased Harmony in World Consciousness The global influence on terrorism of three large coherence-creating assemblies was studied retrospectively through an analysis of data compiled by the Rand Corporation. The data revealed a 72% reduction in worldwide terrorism during the three assemblies taken together, as compared to all other weeks during a two-year period. Each assembly had approached or exceeded the participation threshold (8,000) predicted to create a global influence of peace. The study ruled out the possibility that this reduction in terrorism was due to cycles, trends, or drifts in the measures used, or to seasonal changes (Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36 (1-4): 283-302, 2003).
“The efficacy of group TM practice to reduce crime and war has been more extensively studied and rigorously established than any phenomenon in the history of social science. It is a scientific fact.” —Dr. John Hagelin
Negotiations Destructive weaponry
Since 1000 BC: • 8000 peace treaties • Lasting on average of nine years
United Nations—1945:
United Nations—1945: Iraq Vietnam Israel North Korea Burma Angola Palestine North Korea Cambodia Zimbabwe Angola Israel Sri Lanka Sierra Leone Afghanistan Vietnam Zaire Iraq Rwanda Azerbaijan Colombia Algeria Yugoslavia Somalia Indonesia Burma Czechoslovakia Soviet Union United Nations—1945:
United Nations—1945: Iraq Vietnam Israel North Korea Brazil Bosnia Palestine North Korea Ethiopia Cambodia Egypt Grenada Zimbabwe Angola Israel Bolivia Sri Lanka Sierra Leone Afghanistan Vietnam El Salvador Zaire Iraq Rwanda Albania Azerbaijan Brazil Colombia Algeria Yugoslavia Bosnia Somalia Indonesia Croatia Burma Czechoslovakia Soviet Union United Nations—1945:
Central African Republic Palestine Burundi North Korea Peru India Ethiopia Cambodia Egypt Grenada Zimbabwe Chad Angola Israel Bolivia Sri Lanka Dominican Republic Sierra Leone Ireland Afghanistan Vietnam El Salvador Argentina Iran Zaire Iraq Comoros Rwanda Albania Azerbaijan Chile Colombia Pakistan Sudan Algeria Yugoslavia China Congo Somalia Hungary Indonesia Central African Republic Burma Czechoslovakia Burkina Faso Ecuador Soviet Union United Nations—1945:
Iran Korea United Nations—1945: Iraq Vietnam India Laos Israel Chile Burundi North Korea Peru India Ethiopia Cambodia Guatemala Zimbabwe Angola Laos Israel Lebanon Bolivia Sri Lanka Dominican Republic Sierra Leone Ireland Afghanistan Vietnam El Salvador Argentina Iran Zaire Iraq Comoros Libya Rwanda Azerbaijan Chile Haiti Colombia Korea Sudan Algeria Yugoslavia China Somalia Hungary Indonesia Nicaragua Burma Kenya Jordan Czechoslovakia Indonesia Soviet Union United Nations—1945:
Iran Serbia Korea United Nations—1945: 150 major wars Iraq Vietnam North Korea Ethiopia Cambodia Yemen Guatemala Zimbabwe Angola Laos Israel Lebanon Sri Lanka Sierra Leone Ireland Afghanistan Vietnam Thailand Argentina Serbia Iran Zaire Iraq Libya Rwanda Azerbaijan Chile Haiti Colombia Korea Algeria Yugoslavia Uganda Somalia Indonesia Nicaragua Burma Kenya Jordan Czechoslovakia United Nations—1945: Indonesia Soviet Union 150 major wars
UN Charter: “Wars begin in the minds of men, and it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.”
The root cause of war:
The root cause of war: rising tensions in collective consciousness
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. —Albert Einstein
“Problems are not solved on the level of the problem.” A new approach: “Problems are not solved on the level of the problem.” —Maharishi "Problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that created them.” —Einstein
Creating National Invincibility
Benefits for Society Scientific Research Findings: Decreased Terrorism Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Improved Quality of City Life Journal of Conflict Resolution Decreased Crime Rate in Cities Journal of Crime and Justice Decreased Violent Crime, Wash., DC Social Indicators Research Decreased Crime in Capital Cities The Journal of Mind and Behavior
Benefits for Society Scientific Research Findings: Improved National Life: Decreased Fatalities Social Indicators Improved Quality of Life in Israel Journal of Conflict Resolution Reduction of Armed Conflict Journal of Social Behavior and Personality Increased Progress Towards Peace Journal of Social Behavior Reduction of International Conflict Journal of Conflict Resolution
Life Supported by Natural Law
“Life is here to enjoy. Tell everyone — nobody has to suffer anymore.” — Maharishi
TM The First Seven Steps P R O G R A M Step 1: Introductory Lecture A vision of all possibilities through the Transcendental Meditation program (1 hour) Step 2: Preparatory Lecture The mechanics and origin of the TM technique (1 hour) Step 3: Personal Interview Interview with a certified teacher of the TM program, following the Preparatory Lecture (10-15 minutes)
TM The First Seven Steps P R O G R A M Four Days of Instruction over four consecutive days: Step 4: Personal Instruction Learning the TM technique (1-2 hours) Step 5: First Day of Checking Verifying the correctness of the practice, further instruction (1-2 hours) Step 6: Second Day of Checking Understanding the mechanics of the TM technique based on personal experiences (1-2 hours) Step 7: Third Day of Checking Understanding the growth of higher states of consciousness (1-2 hours)
TM Course tuition P R O G R A M Standard fee: $2000 Full-time students: $1000 Married couples: $3000 Children under 18: $500* *Children must learn within one month of parents to receive discounted rate Low interest student loan for the TM course is available from CitiAssist • Course credit is available from Maharishi University of Management • MUM is accredited by the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges
O O O O O Source of Thought Conscious Mind O 10% Mental Potential Unconscious Mind O O O O Source of Thought