Research in identification Forensic odontology Tore Solheim 2010 Gives scientific background Different from other disciplines? 1
Research in forensic odontology Practical work –You follow a technique –You arrive at a result/opinion –May be: no correct answer Conclusion in probability 2
Required for research Resources Guidance Co-operation Difficult in private practice –Case reports –Review of the literature 3
Academic posts Forensic odontology a small discipline Must be combined with other subjects –Pathology, radiology, social odontology –Anthropology, anatomy, other subjects Few posts –No teaching subject –Few stipendiates –Little research External teachers – no time for research 4
Research in identification Techniques –Testing of techniques –Development of new techniques –Basic research Quality assurance –Correct registrations –Correct conclusions –Correct reports Epidemiology –How frequent is a detail –How frequent is a combination of details Radiology and odontology in general 5
Special research for comparative identification Epidemiologic research –How often the same matching details? –Frequency studies needed –DNA analysis operates with figures of insecurity We need the same! –Large material Result only valid for reference population? Is the pattern of caries partly universal? Does DNA analysis also have the same problem? 6
Suggested conclusions -> 1/100 = identity possible -1/100 to 1/ = identity probable - > 1/ = identity established 7
Research for reconstructive identification/anthropology Age calculation methods/tables –Children –Adults Gender differences? Ethnic differences? Tooth as unit (one tooth from each individual) Individual as unit (several teeth from same individual) Dead persons Living persons Gender differences Ethnic differences Assessment of geographic origin Habits 8
Other differences Gender assessment –Discrete traits –Measurable details Discriminant analysis Small differences in teeth –Children adolescents Ethnic differences –Not absolute – different frequencies Habits –Systematic studies? 9
Geographic origin Restoration –Choice of material Chemical composition Structure Reference data –Technique used –Type of work 10
Concluding remarks Research important for: –Development of forensic odontology –Individual development and competency Special forensic odontology research For the researcher –Find a project –Find a good advisor/supervisor 11