IIS vs. Apache
Five advantages of IIS 1. It is has a GUI interface, which makes the installation a bit easier. 2. It "plays" well with other Microsoft applications. 3. Performance Monitor feature is very useful. 4. Tech Support of IIS is actually pretty good (this is speaking from experience). 5. Isolation of the client from the web applications allows IIS to maintain TCP/IP connections while a worker process is being recycled. In other words, IIS has crash protection.
Five disadvantages of IIS 1. It only works with the Windows OS. 2. It is not a terribly flexible web server, due to Microsoft constraints. 3. Source code is proprietary. 4. It is difficult to control how URL's are parsed. 5. If you're using two servers, the server configurations must match exactly.
Five advantages of Apache 1. Industry standard for most web servers. 2. Open source. 3. Allows remote administration. 4. Multi-platform. 5. The software is free.
Five disadvantages of Apache 1. Console mode installation. 2. No real tech support, except for message boards and third party vendors. 3. Does not perform well on Windows machines. 4. Apache is not regularly updated. 5. Requires more technical knowledge to install and configure.