Lesson Objectives – Kenyan tourism 4/ To do all of that AND look at them in a new and different way. 3/ To achieve 2 and show that you can link the ideas.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson Objectives – Kenyan tourism 4/ To do all of that AND look at them in a new and different way. 3/ To achieve 2 and show that you can link the ideas to the big picture. 2/ To be able to describe several relevant ideas about these 2 things. 1/ To be able to describe 1 relevant idea about the effects and management of tourism.

Let’s get specific(ation) The meaning of mass tourism A case study of a tropical area which has mass tourism The positive and negative effects of mass tourism on the economy and the environment Strategies to maintain the importance of tourism and reducing its negative effects The meaning of mass tourism A case study of a tropical area which has mass tourism The positive and negative effects of mass tourism on the economy and the environment Strategies to maintain the importance of tourism and reducing its negative effects

Who What Why When Where

What is mass tourism? Mass tourism: tourism on a large scale to one country or region. Often Packaged holidays with accommodation and travel included Mass tourism: tourism on a large scale to one country or region. Often Packaged holidays with accommodation and travel included Who’s been on a packaged holiday? Why might you go on one? To define the term and describe mass tourism (E-D)

Spain mass tourism To explain mass tourism and its positive and negative effects (C-B) Remember SEE

Why is Kenya popular as a tourist destination? Obvious answer I think…..

So where on this Butler tourism cycle graph do you think Kenya is today? Give a number

Where is Kenya? Check out Google Earth UK Kenya

To evaluate whether mass tourism is good or bad (A-A*) Decide whether you are for mass tourism in Kenya or against. Create a presentation to tell us why we should keep it or get rid of mass tourism. Give reasons for all your opinions and try to argue against the other point of view too Extension: you need to tell me how you are going to either get rid of mass tourism or how you are going to develop it Use: Pages in “Understanding GCSE Geography and Pages in “Places” Latest post on geogteacher blog “mass tourism in Kenya” esp slides

Advantages – MASS TOURISM in Kenya

Kenya economy depends massively on mass tourism, mainly because of the foreign exchange from foreign industries. ECONOMIC BENEFITS The multiplier effect it has throughout the country enables them to improve their infrastructure as well as giving the local people a wider variety of jobs: More tourists Increase demand for goods and services in agriculture, drinks, transport, entertainment, textiles and crafts. Tourist stay in hotels and spend money on local cafés and shops (more income for local businesses). Money earned by locals mean they can buy food and other necessities More money for improving infrastructure to attract more tourists. Tourism is both directly and indirectly responsible for half a million jobs in Kenya!

ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS The mass tourism helps to increase awareness of the need for conservation of wildlife, landscape features and vegetation as well as the preservation of ancient monuments. The income from tourism and entrance fees can be used for management, conservation and repairs of the area.

Disadvantage – MASS TOURISM in Kenya

ECONOMIC Due to mass tourism some locals, particularly farmers and fishermen may lose their livelihoods. Kenya’s economy may not remain stable because certain areas get less popular as visitor numbers goes up and down. In 2001 Kenya had 1.05 million visitors, but this number dropped massively to under 0.4 million in The country or region might gain a small percentage of the total tourist spend as bigger international companies are established in popular areas. Many of the jobs are seasonal and poorly paid, unskilled and of low status. The high-earning jobs (for example jobs that require language skills such as guides etc) may often go to outsiders.

ENVIRONMENTAL As number visitors increases there is a demand for better infrastructure. That, as a result, can lead to destruction of environments and loss of habitats. Rural places where locals had peace and quiet are replaced by urban activity and noise. Noise and air pollution is cause by more cars and other transports and pollution from litter and untreated waste goes into the rivers and seas. There are also issues such as divers damaging coral reefs. Some tourists even take pieces of coral as souvenirs. There is pressure on frequently visited landscapes from footpath erosion as well drives leaving the main tracks to get a closer look at the animals. Another problem is disturbance of wildlife in native environments.