World Wind on Android Brice Bingman Software Engineer
QinetiQ North America Proprietary NASA World Wind Overview 3D globe displaying geographic data WMS Imagery, KML, Shapefiles, Mil2525, and much more Open Source SDK Free to use Create your own application Uses Java and OpenGL Supported wherever Java and OpenGL are supported
QinetiQ North America Proprietary World Wind on Android Android uses Dalvik, a scaled down version of Java Android uses Opengl ES, a scaled down version of Opengl World Wind and Android are a good fit. History: Qinetiq creates Qglobe for Android, donates code to NASA Features WMS imagery, KML, Icon Layers Disables elevation for performance reasons Uses OpenGL ES 1.0 NASA creates World Wind Android Features WMS imagery and elevation Not much more functionality Uses OpenGL ES 2.0 We want better performance Dalvik JVM not as fast as it could be. Will likely be improved in future versions of Android C++ is faster as of now.
QinetiQ North America Proprietary Future of World Wind on Android Long term future, Rewrite code in C++ for better performance and compatibility with iOS and Windows phone. Some version of C++ and OpenGL ES can be used on most mobile devices. Likely 2+ years away Near term future: World Wind Android X Community supported project to improve and add more features to World Wind Android NASA providing svn hosting: Bridge the gap until a C++ version is available