Improving the lives of older Americans Some strategies to reduce the risk of falling October 10, 2009 Staying on Our Feet
National Council on Aging NCOA’s Mission To improve the lives of older Americans. Who We Are NCOA is a non-profit service and advocacy organization based in Washington, DC. What We Do NCOA is a national voice for older adults – especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged -- and the community organizations that serve them. NCOA brings together non-profit organizations, businesses and government to develop creative solutions that improve the lives of all older adults. NCOA works with thousands of organizations across the country to help seniors live independently, find jobs and benefits, improve their health, live independently and remain active in their communities
Falling is not a normal consequence of aging. Most falls are preventable! If you take steps to reduce your individual risk in those areas commonly known to affect your chances of falling
First, talk to your doctor IF You have experienced a fall in the last six months You experience light headedness or dizziness You are afraid of falling
What puts us at risk for falling? The major contributors to your risk for falling include: Medications Physical Inactivity Vision Home safety /pubs/English/brochure_Eng_desktop-a.pdf
Higher volume of medications Mixing prescription medications, over the counter, herbals and alcohol – Some medicines, or combinations of medicines, can make you sleepy or dizzy and can cause you to fall. How medicines work in your body Not following directions for use Why does Medication Put us at Risk?
Reducing Medication Related Risks Strategies Periodic medication review and with every new prescription Using one pharmacy Adhering to prescribed uses and dosing directions Not mixing prescription medications, over the counter, herbals and alcohol - carrying a list of ALL medications you consume
Why does physical inactivity put us at risk for falling? Physical Inactivity leads to declines in: Balance Strength Flexibility You can make substantial improvements at ANY AGE
Where to Find Physical Activity Programs Contact your Area Agency on Aging for information about local physical activity programs and services or call: Good sources of age appropriate programs: Area Agencies on Aging Senior Centers YMCA/YWCA Recreation Centers If you believe falling is not a significant concern - YET! Take steps to become more active:
Keys to successful Physical Activity Programs Provides challenging and fun exercises that over time will improve your balance, flexibility and strength Meets your interests and needs, and is easily accessible Bring a friend
Are you at higher risk? Feeling unsteady on your feet, concerned about other health conditions, afraid of falling? Experiencing dizziness or lightheadedness? Had a fall within the last six months?
IF yes… See your health care provider for assessment and targeted physical activity prescription See a physical therapist who can guide you to community programs when your balance improves
Vision Losing vision is not a normal part of aging, therefore an annual dilated eye exam is recommended It is normal to need more light as we age to discern tripping hazards and contrasting edges
Vision If you already have reduced vision enroll in a low vision program
Vision Simple Steps to Take Increase lighting in your home, especially hallways and staircases Use nightlights and keep a flashlight by the bedside Color contrast stair edges Remove tripping hazards When going from sunlight to darkened rooms, allow eyes to adjust or change glasses
Home Safety res/toolkit/Falls_ToolKit/DesktopPDF/English/booklet_Eng_desktop.pdf Up to 60% of falls occur in or around your home
Home Safety: Simple Steps to Take Remove items from walkways that can be tripped over such as books, papers, shoes. Be sure the stairwell areas are clear of clutter. Improve lighting in the home. Be sure walkways and stairs are well lighted. All staircases should have handrails, preferably two rails.
More Simple Steps to Take Keep items used often in areas easily reached without having to use a step stool. Ask for help in changing ceiling light bulbs and smoke alarm batteries Install grab bars next to the toilet and in the tub or shower. Use non-slip mats in the bathtub or shower.
What About Pets? My little tripping hazard
What about canes and walkers? IF properly fit and properly instructed in the safe use of assistive devices they can enhance safety Do not borrow devices without proper fitting and instruction – See your local physical therapist for assistance
Falling is not a normal consequence of aging. Most falls are preventable! If we take steps to reduce your individual risk in those areas commonly known to affect our chances of falling If we partner with our families and health care provider to help you reduce our risk of falling