Xtreme Power – Battery Based Energy Storage in Alaska Alaska Energy Storage Workshop June 2012
Xtreme Power, Inc. Company Overview Xtreme Power engineers, designs, and integrates power management and energy storage solutions Founded in 2004 in Austin, Texas; ~ 270 employees Established Beijing Office Projects installed, contracted, and in final negotiations: >70 MVA, across 12 projects US-based operations in Austin, TX and OK, International presence Utility industry leadership on Board of Directors– Pat Wood, Former FERC Chairman and Foster Duncan, Former EVP/CFO of Cinergy Over $70 MM in funding: SAIL Capital, Bessemer VP, Dow Chemical, Fluor, Dominion Power, BP, POSCO, Skylake Incuvest
The Dynamic Power Resource® (DPR®) Key Product Features Scalable solutions: .50 MVA to 500 MVA Available durations: 5, 15, 30 min and 1, 2, or 4 h Multi-Storage Architecture Multiple enclosure options Fully integrated turnkey product High round trip efficiency Accurate, real time response in < 3 cycles Re-deployable Intelligent Control Seamless Integration Proven Performance
Truly Innovative Solutions The DPR is an Integrated, Intelligent, Power Management Solution that is Configurable, Modular and Scalable. Programmable, Flexible, and Modular High Reliability & Cyber Security Optimized System Performance Web Based Real Time Monitoring Real-time Response Control System Fully Synchronized BMS & PCS Control Seamlessly Interface with the Grid Factory Tested and Field-Ready Operate 100 Modules as Single System System Integration Real and Reactive Power Supply Low Auxiliary Consumption Power Precision within 10 kW Overload to 150% of Nameplate MVA Power Electronics Fast Response Long or Short Duration Multi-Storage Platform Capabilities Low lifecycle cost Safe and Reliable Battery Energy Storage 4
XPOC and Test Bay 24/7 Operations Center (XPOC) Test Bay Monitors all installations in the field in real time Collects and stores data to view graphical representations of historical and live operational data Remote access via secure Virtual Private Network Option to access through Tablets and Smart Phones Redundant Safety Notification Alerts Test Bay 12 MVA in-house test facility Equipped for Factory Acceptance Tests Expandable to 20MVA Ability to perform full 4 quadrant PQ operation Verification of control modes such as Ramp Control, Frequency Regulation, Voltage Regulation, Power Leveling, etc.
Proven Experience 77 > 143,000 > 2.5 GWh 245 As of March 31, 2012 – Xtreme Power’s experience includes: > 2.5 GWh Energy Charged and Discharged 77 Megawatts Installed by End of 2012 > 143,000 Hours of Integrated Module Operation 245 Gigabytes of Recorded Data Leading the Market with Operational Experience
A Growing Portfolio of Deployed Projects Customer Application Power Rating / Duration COD Services Deployed Projects South Pole Telescope (SPT) University of Chicago Microgrid 0.5 MVA / 5 min. 4Q 2006 Peak-Shaving Kahuku First Wind Renewable Integration 15.0 MVA/ 15 min 1Q 2011 Ramp Control, Curtailment Mitigation Lanai Castle & Cook 1.1 MVA / 15 min 2Q 2011 Ramp Control, Frequency Response Ford Michigan Assembly Plant Ford, DTE Energy Demand Management 0.75 MVA / 60 min Load-Leveling, Ramp Control KIUC Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative Grid Support 1.5 MVA / 15 min 3Q 2011 Frequency Response, VAR Support Nova Xcel Energy 4Q 2011 Ramp Control, Firming & Shaping, Frequency Response, VAR Support Total Operating 6 Customers 4 Applications ~20 MW 6 Projects 7 Services Near-Term Projects KWP II (Maui) 10.0 MVA / 45 min 2Q 2012 Ramp Control, Responsive Reserves, Grid Services Fosters Classified 3.0 MVA / 15 min Uninterruptible Power Source Ture 1.5 MVA/ 15 minutes Ramp Control & VAR Support KIUC II & III 3Q 2012 Ramp Control Notrees Duke Energy Merchant Services 36.0 MVA / 15 min 4Q 2012 Responsive Reserves, Regulation Services, Grid Services Bear Kodiak Electric 3 MVA/ 15 min Frequency response, Responsive Reserves, Voltage Support Total Near-Term 3 New Customers 57 MW 5 Projects 9 Customers, 5 Applications & 10 Services To Date in Deployed Projects ~ 77 MVA, 154 MW Dynamic Power Range in Deployed Projects 7
South Pole Telescope 5 Years Experience Location South Pole, Antarctica Segment Microgrid DPR 0.5 MVA, 5 minute duration Dynamic Power 1 MW COD Q4 2006 Services Peak-shaving, Load-leveling In collaboration with several centers of higher education, the University of Chicago chose the Xtreme Power DPR to power the 200-ton South Pole Telescope’s scan cycles without infringing on the station’s life support system. The Telescope requires up to 259,200 cycles/month.
Kodiak Electric Cooperative Expanding Xtreme Power’s Microgrid Experience Location Kodiak, AK Segment Microgrid DPR 3.0 MVA, 15 minute duration Dynamic Power 6.0 MW COD Q4 2012 Services Ramp Control, Frequency and Voltage Response Kodiak Electric will employ the 3.0 MW DPR to smooth the output of the Pillar Mountain Wind Project, so that the utility can utilize the Terror Lake Hydro facility to manage grid stability and frequency regulation. Additionally, the utilization of the DPR will reduce diesel fuel consumption by allowing a higher penetration of renewable assets.
Microgrid Operators Challenges Expensive Diesel Operating Costs Can be >$4/gal in remote locations High cost and risk of fuel delivery Few alternatives available Unstable and Unsecure Grid Weak electrical distribution system can lead to loss of critical loads Poor power quality may require purchase of additional electrical equipment Insufficient response time for diesel generators Inefficient Use of Grid Resources Generators operate at reduced output for reliability Common curtailment and limited integration of renewable generation Constant cycling of units leads to more frequent O&M and greater fuel consumption Actual Wind Output Without DPR 10
Microgrid Operators: Case Study Microgrid Challenge Example Case Study Scenario Outline Microgrid Peak Load 5 MW Diesel Generators 3 x 2 MW each Solar Farm Nameplate Capacity 2 MW Wind Farm Capacity 4.5 MW Diesel Fuel Cost $1.25/liter Solution 1: Utilize Diesel Generators to Balance Grid Grid Instability Limits Renewable Energy Delivered 2 MW of solar curtailed down to 1.2 MW 4.5 MW of wind curtailed down to 2.5 MW Requires more generation from diesel Inefficient Diesel Operation Consumes More Fuel Contingency requirements force generators to operate at low levels Average loading of generators = ~52% Spinning reserves cause additional curtailment of renewables 11
Microgrid Operators: Case Study Microgrid Solution Example Case Study Scenario Outline Microgrid Peak Load 5 MW Diesel Generators 3 x 2 MW each Solar Farm Nameplate Capacity 2 MW Wind Farm Capacity 4.5 MW Diesel Fuel Cost $1.25/liter Solution 2: Utilize 2 MVA/1 h DPR for Grid Balancing and Reserves DPR Maximizes Renewable Energy Delivered Wind and solar farms operate at full nameplate DPR balances intermittency of renewables and acts as reserves without adding generation Efficient Asset Utilization Yields High Cost Saving Average loading of generators = ~70% Decrease Fuel Consumed by > 17% 12
Xtreme Power Solutions Microgrid Operators Xtreme Power Solutions Increase Reliability and Reduce Diesel Consumption Allow diesels to operate in optimal range to reduce fuel consumption Reduce need for fuel shipments Support energy independence Correct Grid Imbalances Act as back up power source to keep critical loads online Maintain high power quality with VAR support Respond 40-50 times faster than diesel generators Maximize Productivity of Grid Assets Reduce strain on the electrical distribution system caused by intermittency Decrease diesel consumption through less curtailment of renewable resources Decrease cycling to reduce O&M and fuel consumption Actual Wind Output Without DPR 13
Renewable Developers & Operators Challenges Intermittent supply Variable, inconsistent production decreases market value Difficult to maintain sufficient power quality May require additional balancing services Curtailed Production Frequent curtailment reduces annual production Unable to capitalize on PPA without guarantees Prolonged return on investment Uncorrelated Generation & Demand Inconsistent generation profile vs. consistent load profile Peak output does not match peak load Unable to capture full market value Actual Wind Output Without DPR Actual Wind Output Without DPR Source: Energy Storage – A Cheaper, Faster, & Cleaner Alternative to Conventional Frequency Regulation (CESA) 14
Renewable Developers & Operators: Case Study Renewable Developer Challenge Example Case Study Scenario Outline Solar farm Capacity 3 MW Ramp Rate Requirement ± 500 kW/min PPA Compliance Requirement 99% Solar PPA Price $135/MWh Solution 1: Limit Maximum Capacity 950 kW Ramp Rate Limit Requires Curtailment Uncurtailed ramp rate > 3x limit (±1.9 MW/min) Must curtail to 950 kW to meet requirement Curtailment Decreases Energy Delivered Capacity factor @ nameplate 3MW = 19.3% Capacity factor @ limited 950 kW = 11.5% Annual production decreased by over 40% 15
Renewable Developers & Operators: Case Study Renewable Developer Solution Example Case Study Scenario Outline Solar farm Capacity 3 MW Ramp Rate Requirement 500 kW/min PPA Compliance Requirement 99% Solar PPA Price $135/MWh Solution 2: DPR Size 1.5 MVA/15 min duration 1.5 MW DPR Reduces Intermittency DPR able to maintain ramp rate requirement No curtailment required to meet PPA Increase Energy Delivered & Project Revenues Maintain capacity factor of 19.3% Capture incremental Ancillary Service revenue Increase Project Revenues by > 95% 16
Renewable Developers & Operators Xtreme Power Solutions Smooth Generation Variability Reduce intermittency, Avoid penalties Improve power quality Provide grid balancing services Optimize Asset Value Mitigate Curtailment, Increase energy delivered Enable restructured Power Purchase Agreements Boost revenue with additional service offerings Reshape Output to Meet Demand Mitigate forecast error market penalties Shape power to capture peak pricing opportunities Firm power to access premium pricing Actual Wind Output With DPR® 17
Utilities, Cooperatives & Municipalities Challenges Grid Stability & Power Quality Growth in renewables drives need for additional balancing services Inefficient grid balancing service offerings increases operating costs Power Quality issues must be solved locally Rigid and Costly T&D Congestion Solutions Transmission congestion can lead to high wholesale prices T&D infrastructure is sized to meet a future peak demand, but rarely used at that level Congestion requires capital intensive T&D infrastructure upgrades Complex T&D Project Planning & Logistics NIMBY area restraints Prolonged lead times increase project risks Onerous permitting process increases costs Strict siting limitations reduces solution efficiency Actual Wind Output Without DPR 18
Utilities, Cooperatives & Municipalities Xtreme Power Solutions Improve Grid Stability & Power Quality Smooth intermittency or firm and shape power delivered from renewable resources Balance grid fluctuations accurately and efficiently without adding unneeded energy Siting flexibility delivers power quality solutions directly to problem source Enable Flexible, Economic Congestion Solutions Enhance reliability and decrease congestion Increase load carrying capacity of the transmission system Provide incremental capacity to defer an oversized T&D upgrade investment Expedite Turnkey Project Execution Integrate all key components into a utility-scale system and shorten project lead times Operate with existing/planned infrastructure Site anywhere with non-hazmat technology Actual Wind Output Without DPR 19
Tom Noelle Vice President, Business Development tnoelle@xtremepower.com 5513 Silentbrook Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 847-348-7453