TRANSECT ZONING IN DUBUQUE COUNTY Prepared by: Barrett Voigt Jamie Sanchagrin Evgeny Chavanin Special thanks to: Dr. Anthony Andrea Uhl
THE PROBLEM The existing zoning regulation policy in the City of Dubuque does not result in the most efficient use of land.
EXISTING POLICIES Past Planning Policies Modernist Urbanism (e.g. Euclidean Zoning, Auto- oriented) Special or Conditional Uses Performance Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD), overlay zoning, floating zones, FAR, simplified planning zones (UK) Better Planning Policies Low Impact Development Form-based codes Smart Codes
WHY EXISTING POLICIES DON’T WORK Inefficient and unsustainable land use Lack of balance between flexibility and predictability Overconsumption of land has resulted in market inefficiencies with negative externalities in the form of sprawling development Too many rules Complex systems that are that are difficult to navigate Creates unduly restrictive barriers Too few rules Bad urban form Lack of predictability for investment
DEVELOPMENT IN DUBUQUE COUNTY Population decentralizing West of Dubuque, smaller cities, and unincorporated areas Expansion of public and private infrastructure Incompatible with smart growth policies Erosion of rural character
TRANSECT ZONING AS AN ALTERNATIVE Establishes different transect districts with different land use and development specifications across the rural-urban gradient. Allows for varying levels of development intensity and character along the natural-to- rural-to-urban continuum.
WHY IMPLEMENT TRANSECT ZONING? It’s a zoning policy that provides a balance of flexibility and predictability for a more efficient and sustainable land use Rules can provide for more opportunities of freedom Minimums and maximums established rather than absolutes with hope of creating better variety Responsive to local context Function and intensity appropriate for locations Involves public participation to define local context Incorporates Jacob’s vision to reject the predefined and allow for the evolution of form from the action of collaborators
RESEARCH QUESTION Would Transect Zoning have resulted in a more efficient use of land than development that occurred from under past zoning policies?
DUBUQUE: A TRANSECT A STUDY Transect zones too new, few comprehensive studies available to obtain quantitative data Used CommunityViz to evaluate how transect zoning would affect the City of Dubuque
METHODOLOGY A modeling simulation that used Community Viz was performed to evaluate how development could have occurred if transect zoning would have been implemented in Used ortho map imagery to define where development had occurred in the City of Dubuque up to the year 1950 and established a boundary
METHODOLOGY A cross-section west of Dubuque outside of the 1950 development boundary was identified for comparison. A visual survey identified this area as developed and indicated that the City of Dubuque had established this area for a higher intensity of development from 1950 to Transect zones T-4 through T-6 were chosen for comparison because they allow for approximate development intensities.
METHODOLOGY Suitability Analysis based on environmental factors was implemented to delineate transect zones Build-out performed on each transect zone Common impacts measured
RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of modeling data, the City of Dubuque should adopt transect zoning Create larger tax base on smaller amount of land Conserve environmental resources and open space Decrease infrastructure costs Prevent agricultural land loss Minimize sprawl Promote pedestrian oriented development that would result in reduced health care costs