Flipping the Classroom Making the Most of Your Video Instruction TLT Symposium May 10, 2014
The Power of Video Video Use Trends Click the image below to see “The Power of Online Video – The Stats 2013”
What is Flipping? Instruction away from the classroom stage Use of technology to instruct
Teacher Benefits with Video Instruction 1.Use video in lesson planning for substitute days 2.Use videos for lectures, keep the class running due to snow, or other events 3.Permits more class time for hands-on learning 4.More time for student questions 5.More time to help in problem solving 6.Personalize instruction 7.More time to do homework in class
Student Benefits with Video Instruction 1.Students enjoy video 2.Learn anywhere, anytime 3.Replay 4.Students learn at their own pace 5.Use videos for review 6.Performance changes 7.Student support
Pre-Made Instructional Videos 1.YouTube/eduYouTube 2.SchoolTube - SampleSchoolTubeSample 3.TeacherTubeTeacherTube 4.Khan AcademyKhan Academy 5.WatchKnowLearn.orgWatchKnowLearn.org 6.KnowmiaKnowmia 7.Edudemic –Index list of video sites for educationEdudemic –Index list of video sites for education 8.Video Sites for the ClassroomVideo Sites for the Classroom 9.tedEDtedED 10.edXedX 11.ShowMeShowMe
University Flip Example WHO: A Study by Dr. Steve Broskoske from Misericordia University WHAT: Created 7 videos and screen captures which mimic classroom teaching, Total video time was about 71 minutes. THEN: Provided an online survey instrument at the conclusion of the experiment. Results: 10% didn’t like watching video, 90% acceptable or liked More students thought watching a video is very effective compared to listening to a lecture. 17% said they didn’t watch any video, while the rest watched % said they rewined, 38% said they did not rewind Did you learn more effectively when studying Excel (flipped) or PowerPoint (traditional)? 45% thought it was about the same, while 27% felt traditional and 28% thought the flipped classroom model was more effective
Make Your Own Videos Recording Tools Screen Capturing Software Jing – FREE 5 minute limit (share URL, embed link) Jing Screencast-O-Matic- FREE 15 minute limit (share URL, embed link) Screencast-O-Matic Screencasting Virtual Training Snagit v Snagit v. 11 Kaltura Video Recorder – Fee $$ Works in Blackboard, Share as a Kaltura Mashup
Recording Tools iPad & Android Apps for Recording Educreations ShowMe Sample (latitude & longitude) Sample (latitude & longitude) Explain Everything Vimeo
Make Your Own Videos Recording Tools Narrate PowerPoint Create a PowerPoint Narrate Export to video Publish to any video hosting site “Powercasting”
Video Hosting YouTube TeacherTube Vimeo Kaltura in Blackboard Teacher Webpages Prezi Animoto
Video Recording Tips! Takes Practice!Repetition not neededVideo Length – Be Careful of lengthExplain video content in the beginning, prepare a previewDon’t be too critical of productionProvide structure and theme of video Look at “How Not to Look Ugly on a Webcam”“How Not to Look Ugly on a Webcam”
Student’s Part Students love to use technology Time for student centered assignments Time for Collaborative Group Projects Student created content Students must take ownership of learning
Preparing Students for a Flipped Classroom Click the image below to see the video. Retrieved from
Considerations 1.Don’t flip all content 2.Think small, think simple ‘Select’ units 3.Technology 4.Are videos reflective? 5.Mini lecture, Microlecture A short recorded audio or video presentation on a single, tightly defined topic (EduCause, 2012). 6.Tell students how to study – view videos, talk about video, then homework
Try a flip. Use technology to make an instructional video.
References (2012, November). Retrieved from Broskoske, S. (2014). Improving Flipping in college classes. Center for Teaching and Learning University of Texas (n.d.). flipped graphic [infographic]. Retrieved from EducationScribe Life (n.d.). Preparing students for a flipped classroom [Video file]. Retrieved from How not to look ugly on a webcam. (2013, November 13). Retrieved from Retrieved from Kauffman, P. B., & Mohan, J. (2009, June). Video Use and Higher Education: Options for the Future. Retrieved from Miller, A. (2012, February 24). Five best practices for the flipped classroom | edutopia. Retrieved from Screencast-O-Matic (n.d.). Screencast-O-Matic - Free online screen recorder for instant screen capture video sharing. Retrieved May 7, 2014, from TechSmith (n.d.). Capture a Video. Retrieved May 7, 2014, from TechSmith (n.d.). TechSmith Jing Free Screencasting. Retrieved May 7, 2014, from Three motion digital motion media (2014, April 8). The Power of Online Video Statistics | Stats 2013 | Three Motion. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from the-stats-2013/ Wilmington University (2012, January). Workshop Video Archive Screencasting. Retrieved May 7, 2014, from