Method Card Sort Card sorting is a simple technique in user experience design where a group of subject experts or "users", however inexperienced with design, are guided to generate a category tree or folksonomy. It is a useful approach for designing information architecture, workflows, menu structure, or web site navigation path Technique Participants create their own names for the categories. This helps reveal not only how they mentally classify the cards, but also what terms they use for the categories. Open sorting is generative; it is typically used to discover patterns in how participants classify, which in turn helps generate ideas for organizing information.
CitiDirect BE MOBILE Using CitiDirect BE Mobile App, a user can perform actions on 1- Payment (Initiate, Authorize, Release – Individual, Batch & File) 2- Inquiry ( Balance & Transaction) 3- Manual FT (View & Authorize) 4- Trade Authorization & Advisor 5- Payment Advisor & Supplier Finance
Welcome to this CitiDirect study, and thank you for agreeing to participate! The activity shouldn't take longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Your response will help us to organize the content on our application. CitiDirect BE mobile Card Sort Please select your role from the following list: Security manager Administrator Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer Cash Manager Account payables manager Treasury Operations Analyst Treasury Operations Associate Accounts Receivable Clerk / Manager : Exporter Accounts Receivable Clerk / Manager : Supplier Accounts Payable Clerk / Manager Treasurer : Importer Treasurer : Buyer Accounts Receivable Clerk / Manager
CitiDirect BE mobile Nomenclature - Cards Initiate Payments 01 Authorize Payments 02 Authorize Batch Payments 03 Create New Batch to Authorize Payment 04 Authorize File Payments 05 Release Payments 06 Release Batch Payments 07 Create New Batch to Release Payment 08 Authorize Import File 09 View Manual FT details 10 Authorize Manual FT 11 Trade Authorization 12 Intraday Cash Positions 13 Balance Inquiry 14 Transaction Inquiry 15 Payment Advisor 16 Supplier Finance 17 Trade Advisor 18 Step 1 Take a quick look at the list of items to the left. We'd like you to sort them into groups that make sense to you. There is no right or wrong answer, just do what comes naturally. Step 2 When you're ready, drag an item from the left to create your first group. Step 3 If you already know what you'd like to call this group, edit the title to rename it now. If not, you can do this later. Step 4 Now you can either put more items into this group, or make more groups. It's up to you! How you can help …