Input and Output devices Input devices put data into the computer. Output devices process data out of the computer. LO: Recognise and compare input and output and storage devices. Learning outcome: Give correct response to exam-type questions Lesson 1
Examples of input devices KeyboardMouse Touch pad Tracker ball Webcam/ video digitiser JoystickMagnetic strip / smart cards Scanner Digital Camera
More input devices Midi instrumentsSensors
Output devices CRT Monitor LCD/TFT Monitor VDUs Laser Printer Ink Jet Printer Dot matrix printerGraph plotter Speaker Barcode Reader
Storage devices Magnetic tapeHard diskUSB disk CD ROMFloppy disk CostMediumHighMediumLow Speed SlowFastMediumMed/ SlowV. Slow Capacity High Medium Low
Optical storage devices CD-ROMCD-R (Recordable)DVD Digital Veratile Disk
Exam Question… Which of these are used as computer input devices? A. Keyboard B. Inkjet printer C. VDUD. Plotter
Exam Question… Which of these can be used as both input and output devices? A. Mouse B. Touch-screen C. Touch PadD. Barcode reader
Exam Question Which of these are output devices A. Magnetic strip reader B. Mouse C. WebcamD. Tracker Ball
Exam Question Which of these are output devices A. VDUB. CRT Monitor C. Laser PrinterD. 17” monitor
Exam Question Give three advantages of using a laser printer rather than a dot matrix 1Quiet 2Better quality 3Faster
Exam Question Give one reason why a mouse may not be suitable for use with a laptop computer 1Can get lost 2May not be enough room to use it. 3etc…
Storage questions How is data stored in a computer? What is a ‘bit’ What is a collection of bits called? Arrange the following into ascending order: MegabyteBitKilobyte 16-bit byteGigabyte8-bit byte
Prep Keyboard Input Keystrokes User interface for entering numbers, text and symbols Monitor Device NameInput or OutputDataDescription Output Light Show graphics and writing to user Scanner Input Graphics Converts graphics on paper to electronic data Prep: Complete the above table for all input and output devices in the ICT textbook pages 2-7
SpeedCostColour?Noise Inkjet Laser Colour Laser Dot Matrix