What came out in the press in the 50s, 60s, and 70s about the Titanic?
What happened in the 50s through the 70s Two movies came out (Titanic and A Night To Remember) A few books came out such as Story of the Titanic As Told By Its Survivor These all had different effect of the survivors
Passengers The movie of Titanic (the first version) is offensive to some passengers. They say that this movie is not accurate to what really happened. Some passengers it didn’t offend them that much but, they too also say it is not an accurate movie. Over time people have seen that movie and gotten the wrong philosophy about the Titanic.
Passengers The movie A Night To Remember, on the other hand, is accurate and the passengers that survived like it. They say that this movie is very accurate to what happened that night. They say that it is the true story of the Titanic. This does offend a few people, but for the most part it is accurate.
Passengers The book Story of the Titanic As Told By Its Survivor is too very accurate. This story as it is said in the story is written by a survivor. This story is very accurate and enjoyable. This book is very notable to survivors and the survivors like this story.
Employee on the Ship They basically had the same feeling toward the movies and the book. They said the same thing, but they were a little more offended by the first Titanic movie, because it did not make the worker look good. In fact, it made them look really bad. Need less to say they didn’t have good reviews for that movie.
Employee off the Ship These people were not as affected by these movies and the book. They were not the ones that had to go through the tragedy. As far as they know it could be true. They only know from what stories they heard. They to were kind of offend by the first Titanic, because it too made them look bad. Most of the staff off the ship watched these movies for entertainment and to learn more.
Families of the Dead The movies and books for these people were not good. It brought back the pain of losing a loved one. A lot of these families did not watch these movie or read the book, because they knew it would hurt. Some of the families that did watch the movie, said that it was hard for them and made their next weeks miserable. This was not a pleasant time for those familes.
Families of the Survivors These families could enjoy the movies and book more, because their loved one was saved. They could go to these movies as a family and watch it. Then, the survivor could tell what was true and what wasn’t. The survivors on the other hand weren’t as happy, because it brought back memories of the terrible nights. Their families in the end would look at these movies and the book and realize how lucky they were to have their loved one saved.