Blank space ACP BA Daiki Yoshioka Sense your life.
Object 1.Company Description 2.Stategic Values 3.Vision statement 4.Mission statement 5.Strategy statement 6.SWOT Analysis 7.Conclution
We provide space
Blank place
Next to college Around business area ex:) Tokyo NY CA Paris Istanbu l Madrid Beijing Seoul
Competitors (co-work office, Coffee shop, Rental Office Company)
Expected market share in five years Competitor Current year($/%)+5 years($/%) Blank space $0m21840%$655m30% Share Desk $200million9%$174m 8%8% WE WOEK $150million6%$87m4% Liquid Space $50m2%$43m2% Starbucks coffee $1,764m80%$1201m55% Uber offices $20m1%$21m1%
Top 3 values 1.Fun Don’t be livestock. 2.Environment It makes you something. Please live in good environment. 3.Work-life balance Please spend time with someone who you love more than company
Vison statement Sense your life
Mission statement We offer great environment and great space for our customer. We provide these with a highest quality of customer satisfaction delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, fun, individual pride, and company sprit.
Americans, on average, spend 90% Of their time indoors
Question1 Which place do you want to work.
Question2 Which place do you want to work.
Question3 Which place do you want to work.
IT’S NOT fair!!!
Strategy statements Our dream is offering space for everyone who need. We expect over 17years old to under60years old people. Especially white collar workers and students, We expect prospective customer for this service is 3milliopeople. We are going to create 200buliding to provide the space by2020. We are going to offer more flexible service for customer satisfaction.
Strategy statements Super cheap food and drink Free class professional consultant and instructor. Sport space Business space Rental office Affordable price member ship card
SWOT analysis 3Strengths Affordable price (fixed sum) High quality (Huge space,Great architecture) You can Talk loud 3weakness Many people Public space it is not private space Usually, you should have members card 3opportunities New offensives Incumbents contest are unwilling Rivals size are differing 3threats Entry barriers are low Economies of scale is low good substitutes are easily is available
Conclusion If you are interested in, Please join our team. Thank you.