Payments technology and security Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
Agenda Introduction End-to-end encryption (E2E) Tokenization EMV Summary Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
Introduction This is an exciting time for the payments industry. There is a steady stream of disruptive technologies and security conformance being injected into the industry. From End-to-end encryption to EMV. Today, we will discuss end-to-end encyption, tokenization and EMV technologies and how they impact the small to medium sized merchants. Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
End-to-end Encryption
Security Breaches The volume of data breach Investigations increased 54 percent over 2012. 45 percent of data thefts involved non-payment card data E-commerce made up 54 Percent of assets targeted Weak passwords opened the door for the initial intrusion in 31 percent of compromises. Source: Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
Security Breaches Every year that we produce the Trustwave Global Security Report, retail, food and beverage and hospitality jostle for position as the most frequently compromised industries. Retail once again led the pack in 2013 at 35 percent, a decrease of 10 percent over 2012. Food and beverage industry breaches counted for 18 percent of the total, 35% a five percent decrease from 2012. Source: Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
E2E Encryption – (Protecting data in transit) Before At initial swipe, credit card data is stolen in real time from peripherals and memory even though the transaction is transmitted securely. Payment Providers such Vantiv, Mercury, FirstData etc. Transaction is returned securely as well, but it is too late – the cardholder data has already been stolen. ! Computers get infected with malware. Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
E2E Encryption – How it works After At initial swipe, credit card data is encrypted and cannot be stolen. Transaction is sent encrypted to a Payment Provider. Payment Providers such Vantiv, Mercury, FirstData etc. Only non-sensitive transaction data is returned to the POS. d5e35c1e081cec7f5dbaddad3e4f5628 7882881fdb02703b0c193f380c7fd0c8 c65c7e8df63ec1fb275f3231490c716e ea3b9d29feb72299fbbb710b1ce0674e 1784bfac4d5f0a74e3d457f12d82ac7f dbbf952022528abfd72bfa8e7cf08777 Using an Encryption enabled device such as the Verifone, Infinite Peripherals or Ingenico devices, card data is encrypted at the initial swipe. Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
E2E enabled device examples Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
Card Networks: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover E2E transaction flow with Tokenization At initial swipe, card data is encrypted Payment Provider 2 3 Get Authorization from Card Brands Card Networks: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover E2E/Token Service 4 d5e35c1e081cec7f5dbaddad3e4f5628 c65c7e8df63ec1fb275f3231490c716e 7882881fdb02703b0c193f380c7fd0c8 1784bfac4d5f0a74e3d457f12d82ac7f ea3b9d29feb72299fbbb710b1ce0674e dbbf952022528abfd72bfa8e7cf08777 1 5 40030001234567820811400300012345783,0811 Transaction is sent encrypted to Payment Provider Call the E2E/Token Service 40030001234567820811400300012345783,0811 Point of Sales stores token safely. Token Service creates token, returns token to Merchant location. Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
® Tokenization
Tokenization (Protecting data at rest) Benefits Reduced risk Help merchants with their PCI compliance Use Cases Recurring Billing Card not present Tip Modifications Delayed shipping Layaway purchases Voids and returns Adjustments Capabilities Replaces non-encrypted card data PAN with a reference token Card information is saved with the payment provider How It Works Card number is used in first transaction Token reference data is created – a unique string of letters and numbers Token is returned to the requester along with authorization Token can be used to perform subsequent transactions on the card Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
! Tokenization – How it works Payment Providers such The transaction response is sent back securely with a token. 40030001234567820811 4003000123456783,0811 4003000123456784,0811 4003000123456785,0811 4003000123456786,0811 4003000123456787,0811 Payment Providers such Vantiv, Mercury, FirstData etc. Credit card is initially swiped or keyed, then transmitted securely. ! Computers can still get infected with malware. Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
E2E & Tokenization Together Card information never exists in a readable format First transactions Subsequent transactions At initial swipe, credit card data cannot be stolen since it already is encrypted. Transaction is sent encrypted to Mercury. 40030001234567820811 4003000123456783,0811 4003000123456784,0811 4003000123456785,0811 4003000123456786,0811 4003000123456787,0811 d5e35c1e081cec7f5dbaddad3e4f5628 c65c7e8df63ec1fb275f3231490c716e 7882881fdb02703b0c193f380c7fd0c8 1784bfac4d5f0a74e3d457f12d82ac7f ea3b9d29feb72299fbbb710b1ce0674e dbbf952022528abfd72bfa8e7cf08777 The transaction response is sent back securely with a token for long term storage. Payment Providers such Vantiv, Mercury, FirstData etc. Using an encryption enabled device card data is encrypted at the initial swipe, before sending to the POS. Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
SMB Merchant’s using E2E and MToken Tokenization: Ease of integration Supports recurring billing, tip adjustment, returns, and more! Helps merchant to maintain a more secure payment processing environment Easier POS Compliance – Fewer PA-DSS requirements to meet Tokenization would have prevented many of the past breaches E2E: Helps developers reduce the costs and hassle of PA-DSS compliance Helps merchants achieve PCI compliance Card data theft is dramatically reduced Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
What is EMV EMV is a set of standards that defines interoperability of secure transactions across the international payments landscape. EMV transactions introduce dynamic-data specific to the card and the transaction, with the goal of reducing the risk of counterfeit fraud. The computer chip on the card uses cryptography to provide security. In the context of EMV, encryption is only used to protect the PIN. EMV is a card present schema only. Does not solve for ecommerce transactions Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
EMV Transaction Flow: MagStripe vs EMV Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
EMV Transaction Flow: MagStripe vs EMV Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
U.S Market EMV Update Significant progress underway* Multiple issuing pilots underway, top issuers Up to 2 million EMV ready terminals installed 50-100 million EMV cards issued Top acquirers fully certified Merchants reinvigorating EMV cert and security discussions as a result of 2013 holiday breaches Active EMV implementation projects at many tier 1 merchants Wal-Mart® “live” with EMV today * Data is only based on information provided by Mercury’s partners and does not include all international payment systems. Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
Certification Standards EMVCo™ Level 1: Certification of the device’s electrical, mechanical, and communication protocol characteristics Level 2: Certification of application software that supports specified EMV functionality Card Networks Brand/“Level 3”: Approval of end-to-end solution Brand-by-brand testing requirements Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
Network Certification Programs American Express® (30 tests) American Express ICC Payment Specification (AEIPS) Expresspay Contactless Specification Discover® (24 tests) D-PAS Acquirer-Terminal End-to-End (E2E) MasterCard® (114 tests) MasterCard terminal integration process (M-TIP) Visa® (105 tests) Acquirer Device Validation Toolkit (ADVT) Contactless Device Evaluation Toolkit (CDET) Quick Visa Smart Debit Credit Device Module (qVSDC DM) Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
Points of pain for Merchants Cardholders EMV card never leaves the cardholder’s hand Contact EMV – dipping Contactless EMV – tapping Chip and Signature vs Chip and Pin Restaurant environments Merchants Merchant and consumer payment process flow will change Varied merchant impacts by vertical: pizza delivery, fine dining, unattended kiosk(Car washes) Cost for new EMV enabled hardware/software Liability Shift: charge back Line-busting will change Cost vs. Customer impact 5 Mercury Confidential and Proprietary - For Recipient's Internal Use Only
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